Pandit Satyakama Vidyalankar -- Associate translator of the four Vedas in English , Satyakama Vidyalankar was a profound Vedic Scholar, poet and veteran editor.
The theory of evolution is one of the greatest revelations of modern scientific thought. Various philosophers, physicists and scientific men, working independently one another and in different domains of Nature, have established the truth off this theory, so that instead of remaining a theory, there are evident signs of its soon becoming a proven fact. The theory enunciates the great truth, that all complexity came out of simplicity heterogeneity out of homogeinity, perfection out of imperfection, variety out of uniformity. All this beauty and grandeur with apparent paradoxes is the result of the struggle which Nature wages towards the attainment of order and perfection.
In the beginning of the present order of things, in some distant point of time, the whole universe existed in the form of paramanus(atoms), invisible, subtle and unmanifested. That which we know as the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars was then, in the beginning of the kalpa, but formless matter in its most elemental and attenuated condition-either, no doubt our ancient Aryan philosophers called it non-being(asat). We involuntarily exclaim with our glorius rishis :"Before, O Child , this was a mere state of non-being(asat), one only, without a second. Thereof verily others say : Before this was non-being, one alone, without a second, from that non-being proceeds the state of being."
There is nothing, therefore, inappropriate in the name which the ancients gave this ether-spirit, viz., the anima mundi - the divine inflatus, the Hiranyagarbha.
*** The Aryan(Vedic) Title Hiranyagarbha - the womb of light , is far more expressive and scientific than the name ether . ***
The evolution of Heart and Light :
In the beginning, there was neither nought nor aught.
Then there was neither sky nor atmosphere above.
What then enshrouded all this universe?
In the receptacle of what was it contained?
Then was there neither death nor immortality, then was neither day, nor night, nor light, nor darkness. Only the existent one breathed calmly, self-contained. (Rig : 10.121.1)
First in the beginning, therefore, was this Hiranyagarbha, one only without a second.
The next step towards evolution is generation of heat. The atoms of ether came closer together and united in different proportions and formed molecules.Thus the various elements were first evolved out of homogeneous atoms of ether.This union necessarily implies the contraction of the primeval mass.Thus , these two processes, namely chemical union and contraction, gave rise to a great deal of heat.
This intense heat raised the elements to a state of gaseous incandescene, and the whole mass would be now a luminous vapour of all elements iron,gold etc.This self-luminous vapour has been called by the Vedic Rishis as Prajapati(The Lord of all creations) and modern scientists have called such incandescent vapours nebulae(clouds), from their resemblance to white clouds.Thus there arouse light where there was formerly only darkness.
The findings of astrophysicists of today have now re-affirmed the statements of Vedic declarations, with the help of very sophisticated and ultra-modern scientific eqquipment. They have gathered information about the circulation of energy and material in space. Astrophysicists are studying how the universe began. Did it all begin with a terrific explosion, the "big bang"? With the aid of radio telescope, the scientists in Effelsberg can pick up signals that were sent 15,000 million years ago-when the "big-bang" is believed to have taken place. From these signals and what is now going on in space, it is possible to look back to the beginning of evolution, as if window in time: one can reconstruct the "big-bang".
Dr.Schmid-Burgk describes what is supposed to have taken place : "The cosmic material was originally densely packed and very hot.Because of the high temperatures
, the atoms had been broken down into nuclei and electrons,even earlier,the nuclei of the atoms had been reduced to their elements, the protons and neutrons. During the hottest moments, the first few fractions of microseconds of the "big-bang", not even individual protons and neutrons could exist,but only what they are made up of, - the quarks. "The signals from space , however also tell how the universe cooled down,expanded,how stars were born and died. With the passage of billions and billions of years,the time lapse has resulted slowly but surely in the loss of heat,the cooling down of planets which were all a part of the "Fire Ball" once.
The moon was also at one time a part of the earth, and of course, being a smaller body,it has lost almost all its heat. The sun,which was the nucleus of the primitive rotating nebula,still retains a great deal of its heat, but it is not so intense as it must have been in the beginning. However, a time will come when the sun will cool down to darkness and no more be a fountain of heat and light to its planets, when there will be perfect darkness and intense cold-in fact,when this present cycle will come to an end. Long, long before that time arrives, this earth will become a desolate wilderness-lifeless,silent and obscure. Seas, rivers,lakes and oceans will be congealed to ice,even the very air will be a mass of solid. That time, according to Vedic calculations is 2,333,227,014 years distant.
Modern scientific findings have re-affirmed the statement of Vedic declaration.
The theory of evolution is one of the greatest revelations of modern scientific thought. Various philosophers, physicists and scientific men, working independently one another and in different domains of Nature, have established the truth off this theory, so that instead of remaining a theory, there are evident signs of its soon becoming a proven fact. The theory enunciates the great truth, that all complexity came out of simplicity heterogeneity out of homogeinity, perfection out of imperfection, variety out of uniformity. All this beauty and grandeur with apparent paradoxes is the result of the struggle which Nature wages towards the attainment of order and perfection.
In the beginning of the present order of things, in some distant point of time, the whole universe existed in the form of paramanus(atoms), invisible, subtle and unmanifested. That which we know as the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars was then, in the beginning of the kalpa, but formless matter in its most elemental and attenuated condition-either, no doubt our ancient Aryan philosophers called it non-being(asat). We involuntarily exclaim with our glorius rishis :"Before, O Child , this was a mere state of non-being(asat), one only, without a second. Thereof verily others say : Before this was non-being, one alone, without a second, from that non-being proceeds the state of being."
There is nothing, therefore, inappropriate in the name which the ancients gave this ether-spirit, viz., the anima mundi - the divine inflatus, the Hiranyagarbha.
*** The Aryan(Vedic) Title Hiranyagarbha - the womb of light , is far more expressive and scientific than the name ether . ***
The evolution of Heart and Light :
In the beginning, there was neither nought nor aught.
Then there was neither sky nor atmosphere above.
What then enshrouded all this universe?
In the receptacle of what was it contained?
Then was there neither death nor immortality, then was neither day, nor night, nor light, nor darkness. Only the existent one breathed calmly, self-contained. (Rig : 10.121.1)
First in the beginning, therefore, was this Hiranyagarbha, one only without a second.
The next step towards evolution is generation of heat. The atoms of ether came closer together and united in different proportions and formed molecules.Thus the various elements were first evolved out of homogeneous atoms of ether.This union necessarily implies the contraction of the primeval mass.Thus , these two processes, namely chemical union and contraction, gave rise to a great deal of heat.
This intense heat raised the elements to a state of gaseous incandescene, and the whole mass would be now a luminous vapour of all elements iron,gold etc.This self-luminous vapour has been called by the Vedic Rishis as Prajapati(The Lord of all creations) and modern scientists have called such incandescent vapours nebulae(clouds), from their resemblance to white clouds.Thus there arouse light where there was formerly only darkness.
The findings of astrophysicists of today have now re-affirmed the statements of Vedic declarations, with the help of very sophisticated and ultra-modern scientific eqquipment. They have gathered information about the circulation of energy and material in space. Astrophysicists are studying how the universe began. Did it all begin with a terrific explosion, the "big bang"? With the aid of radio telescope, the scientists in Effelsberg can pick up signals that were sent 15,000 million years ago-when the "big-bang" is believed to have taken place. From these signals and what is now going on in space, it is possible to look back to the beginning of evolution, as if window in time: one can reconstruct the "big-bang".
Dr.Schmid-Burgk describes what is supposed to have taken place : "The cosmic material was originally densely packed and very hot.Because of the high temperatures
, the atoms had been broken down into nuclei and electrons,even earlier,the nuclei of the atoms had been reduced to their elements, the protons and neutrons. During the hottest moments, the first few fractions of microseconds of the "big-bang", not even individual protons and neutrons could exist,but only what they are made up of, - the quarks. "The signals from space , however also tell how the universe cooled down,expanded,how stars were born and died. With the passage of billions and billions of years,the time lapse has resulted slowly but surely in the loss of heat,the cooling down of planets which were all a part of the "Fire Ball" once.
The moon was also at one time a part of the earth, and of course, being a smaller body,it has lost almost all its heat. The sun,which was the nucleus of the primitive rotating nebula,still retains a great deal of its heat, but it is not so intense as it must have been in the beginning. However, a time will come when the sun will cool down to darkness and no more be a fountain of heat and light to its planets, when there will be perfect darkness and intense cold-in fact,when this present cycle will come to an end. Long, long before that time arrives, this earth will become a desolate wilderness-lifeless,silent and obscure. Seas, rivers,lakes and oceans will be congealed to ice,even the very air will be a mass of solid. That time, according to Vedic calculations is 2,333,227,014 years distant.
Modern scientific findings have re-affirmed the statement of Vedic declaration.
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