
Hinduism or Sanatan Dharma-A victim of fake propoganda and distortion of history by fake scholars - By Hinduism Glance

There is an excellent masterpiece work on Origin of Caste System in Hinduismglance blog.
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(I am just copy Pasting here that beautiful article by Hinduismglance author's)

Runoko Rashidi is a late-20th c.Black muslim historian, researcher, writer, world traveler, and public lecturer based in Los Angeles.Runoko Rashidi focuses on the African presence globally and what he claims to be the African foundations of world civilizations. He is particularly drawn to the African presence in Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands, and has coordinated historic educational group tours to India,Aboriginal Australia, the Fiji Islands and Southeast Asia as well as Egypt and Brazil. His academic focus is in “the Black foundations of world civilizations”. He has conducted research into the Black presence in Asia.He addressed the poor people in India with his hate speech based on color discrimination which is not in Indian society.His main agenda seemed to divide the people and bring about hatred in them.He heads the new African propoganda of establishing that all religions were started by the blacks.Indian Embassy should be very careful in providing VISA to anti-India racist people whose motive is to encourage mass terrorism.
CHAPTER 2 Verse 44When the Brahmana practices Kriya meditation, he sees a white color above, while the Khatriya sees the color of jute, the Vaisya and Sudra gradually see a color resembling that of sheep.While practicing Kriya the different types of seekers, namely, the Brahmanas, Khatriya, Vaisya and Sudras, will eventually see the colors of white, of Jute, and of sheep respectively and eventually rise and change their varna or caste in one life time.
CHAPTER 2 Verse 155
Each of these is great: the Brahmana by Knowledge, the Khatriya by strength, the Vaisya by wealth, and the Sudra by birth.
Chapter 1Verse 2
The powerful Lord Brahma(Divine consciousness) is revealed to all classes accordingly (Brahmana, Khatriya, Vaisya and Sudra):
1) He who knows Brahma (the ultimate Self) is Brahmana.
2) He who practices Kriya abandoning the expectation for results thereof is Khatriya.
3) He who practices Kriya with the expectation for results thereof is Vaisya.
The Sages requested the Master to tell them of the righteousness of the four classes and what ever gradually arises in between the classes.How they can change their varna(caste) and attain salvation(Nirvana/Moksha) in one lifetime.
Chapter 12Verse 115If the non-Kriyaban(Those not practicing Kriya meditation or non spiritual person) starts advising from the darkness, then whatever negative karma he creates is multiplied by one hundred times and returns to him.
Chapter 12Verse 114Those who do not practice Kriya meditation and do not receive Mantras are merely in the profession of maintaining their livelihood by propagating scripture by virtue of their being born in Brahmana family. They have not the realization of a Brahmana.Not even one of a thousand of such individuals can be civilized.
Chapter 4
Verse 192One should not donate to one who poses to be a meditator and religious while in fact this is not really so and to one who is a non-Kriyanwita, that is, who does not practice Kriya.
Verse 197If one donates to false meditators and non-religious persons, then one mixes up with their negative karma.
Verse 190One who is interested in accepting things without practicing Kriya is mixed up in the vibration of the donor.
CHAPTER1 Verse 85Religion is Kriya meditation.
It is being reduced gradually during Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali Yugas, i.e, Bijnana Pada, or Tranquility is less than Samadhi, or Attunement. Jnana, or Knowledge, is less than inner Realization. Kriya, or practice, is less than Realization.Kriya practice will increase all over the world as we proceed to Treta and Satya Yuga.
CHAPTER4 Verse 80
na shudraya matindadyannocchishtam na havishkritam nachasyopadisheddharmam na chasya vratamadishet
Do not give or force Kriya initialization to one who does not wish to have Kriya
After attainment of Nirvana/Moksha the soul gives up the caste or character or Varna and becomes free soul.
Sects, ceremonies, and books, so far as they are the means of a man’s realising his own nature, are all right; when he has realised that, he gives up everything. “I reject the Vedas!” is the last word of the Vedanta philosophy. Ritual, hymns, and scriptures, through which he has travelled to freedom, vanish for him. “So’ham, So’ham”– i am He, I am He and to say “Thou” to God is blasphemy, for he is “one with the Father”(Moksha/Nirvana).You do not have to die to obtain salvation.
Even after attaining Moksha/Nirvana,the Guru teaches the divine knowledge of the Vedas.
In satyayuga everyone was a saint,during descending ages,some left meditation completely and some fell for greed.These people could not be forced into meditation as mentioned in ManusmritiVishnu Avtar Buddha has come for the salvation of Shudra and her helped them changed their caste/character/varna and helped them attain Moksha/Nirvana.Much later newly formed Kshatriya disciple created some problems and Buddhas teaching lost its flavors and current Buddhist call him Atheist or Nastik.
Every prophet has made one mistake.Even the great Buddha made one false step when he stopped the Sanskrit language from being studied by the masses. He wanted rapid and immediate results, and translated and preached in the language of the day, Pâli. That was grand; he spoke in the language of the people, and the people understood him. That was great; it spread the ideas quickly and made them reach far and wide. But along with that, Sanskrit ought to have spread. Knowledge came, but the prestige was not there, culture was not there. It is culture that withstands shocks, not a simple mass of knowledge. You can put a mass of knowledge into the world, but that will not do it much good. There must come culture into the blood. We all know in modern times of nations which have masses of knowledge, but what of them? They are like tigers, they are like savages, because culture is not there. Knowledge is only skin-deep, as civilisation is, and a little scratch brings out the old savage. Such things happen; this is the danger. Teach the masses in the vernaculars, give them ideas; they will get information, but something more is necessary; give them culture. Until you give them that, there can be no permanence in the raised condition of the masses. There will be another caste created, having the advantage of the Sanskrit language, which will quickly get above the rest and rule them all the same.
The wicked are always looking for defects.Flies come and seek for the ulcer, and bees come only for the honey in the flower. Do not follow the way of the fly but that of the bee-Quote from Swami Vivekananda
 Guru Granth Sahib Page 861,
There are four castes: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Soodra and Vaisya, and there are four stages of life. One who meditates on the Lord, is the most distinguished and renowned.
Guru Granth Sahib Page 1353,
The Shabad is Yoga, the Shabad is spiritual wisdom; the Shabad is the Vedas for the Brahmin.
The Shabad is heroic bravery for the Kshatriya; the Shabad is service to others for the Soodra.
Guru Granth Sahib Page 1411
He alone is a Brahmin, who knows God.
He chants and meditates, and practices austerity and good deeds.
He keeps to the Dharma, with faith, humility and contentment.
Breaking his bonds, he is liberated.
Such a Brahmin is worthy of being worshipped.
He alone is a Kshatriya, who is a hero in good deeds.
Guru Granth Sahib Page 800,
Anyone, from any class – Kshatriya, Brahman, Soodra or Vaisya – can chant, and meditate on the Mantra of the Lord’s Name.One who, as Gurmukh, chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is saved. In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, O Nanak, God is permeating the hearts of each and every being. ||4||3||50||
Guru Granth Sahib Page 300
The Kshatriyas, the Brahmins, the Soodras, the Vaisha workers and the outcast pariahs are all saved,
editating on the Lord. Nanak is the dust of the feet of those who know his God. ||17||
Guru Granth Sahib Page 68
I am forever a sacrifice to my Guru, who has attached my consciousness to the Lord. ||7||
He alone is a Brahmin, who knows the Lord Brahma, and is attuned to the Love of the Lord.
Guru Granth Sahib Page 84
The seven islands, seven seas, nine continents, four Vedas and eighteen Puraanas -
O Lord, You pervade and permeate all. Lord, everyone loves You
Guru Granth Sahib Page 1001
The Kshatriyas, Brahmins, Soodras and Vaisyas all cross over, through the Name of the One Lord.Guru Granth Sahib
These were people who sit in meditation and saw Jute color in their third eye,they did meditation without expectation,without pride,without expectation of name or fame and strength came to them by virtue of their devotion.They are Kshatriya but lord wants them to rise in meditation.Sanskrit word for Jute is Pat or Patta modified as Jat or Jatta.Farmers grow Jat Jute too.
Lot of stupid and funny explanation has been given for Bhakti movement that took place in different parts of the Indian subcontinent.Many saints took part in Bhakti movement.The only reason that can be traced from scriptures is the dark age of Kali Yuga.Only by chanting name of the God with devotion or Bhakti,liberation could be achieved in that era.Hence Atharva Veda was supposed to be made prominent.In Satya Yuga(Golden age),people follow Sama Veda,In treta (Silver age),people follow Rig Veda,In Dwapara(Bronze age) people follow Yujur Veda and in Kali Yuga,where Dharma is on 1 feet with 3 feet missing,people follow Atharva Veda.
Guru Granth Sahib Page 446
In the Golden Age of Sat Yuga, everyone embodied contentment and meditation; religion stood upon four feet.With mind and body, they sang of the Lord, and attained supreme peace. In their hearts was the spiritual wisdom of the Lord’s Glorious Virtues.Their wealth was the spiritual wisdom of the Lord’s Glorious Virtues; the Lord was their success, and to live as Gurmukh was their glory..Inwardly and outwardly, they saw only the One Lord God; for them there was no other second.They centered their consciousness lovingly on the Lord, Har, Har. The Lord’s Name was their companion, and in the Court of the Lord, they obtained honor.
The fourth foot of religion dropped off, and three remained.Then came the Silver Age of Trayta Yuga; men’s minds were ruled by power, and they practiced celibacy and self-discipline.They performed many rituals and religious rites; two legs of religion dropped away, and only two legs remained. The Brass Age of Dwaapar Yuga came, and people wandered in doubt. The Lord created the Gopis and Krishna.The Lord ushered in the Dark Age, the Iron Age of Kali Yuga; three legs of religion were lost, and only the fourth leg remained intact.Their hearts and minds were filled with the horribly poisonous essence of anger. The kings fought their wars and obtained only pain.So many heroes waged great wars; in their egos they were ruined, and they ruined others as well.
There is a famine of Truth; falsehood prevails, and the blackness of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga has turned men into demons.In the Iron Age of Kali Yuga, fire is the chariot and falsehood the charioteer. In the Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Atharva Veda became prominent; Allah became the Name of God.The Dark Age of Kali Yuga is the vessel, filled with the wine of sexual desire; the mind is the drunkard.In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, O Nanak, the demons have taken birth.In the utterly poisonous Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord preserves and protects his honor. Those who act like tyrants are accepted and approved – recognize that this is the sign of the Dark Age of Kali Yuga. If someone chants the Lord’s Name, he is scorned. These are the signs of Kali Yuga. In this turbulent age of Kali Yuga, Muslim law decides the cases, and the blue-robed Qazi is the judge.In Kali Yuga, the Koran and the Bible have become famous.
Rashidi claims that the Dravidians and Siddi of ancient India are part of the black race .He claims that until 3500 years ago the Dravidians had a technologically advanced society that was well-known in the ancient world. These black Dravidians portrayed their gods as blacks and portrayed evil beings with white skin. He claims the Aryans were “barbarian” whites who enslaved the indigenous black Dravidians in the caste system after they stole the advanced technology of the Dravidians 3500 years ago.
Swami Vivekananda on Aryan Invasion Theory(1663AD-1902AD)“Our archaeologists’ dreams of India being full of dark-eyed aborigines, and the bright Aryans came from – the Lord knows where. According to some, they came from Central Tibet; others will have it that they came from Central Asia. There are patriotic Englishmen who think that the Aryans were all red haired. Others, according to their idea, think that they were all black-haired. If the writer happens to be a black-haired man, the Aryans were all black-haired. Of late, there was an attempt made to prove that the Aryans lived on Swiss lake. I should not be sorry if they had been all drowned there, theory and all. Some say now that they lived at the North Pole. Lord bless the Aryans and their habitations! As for as the truth of these theories, there is notone word in our scriptures, not one, to prove that the Aryans came from anywhere outside of India, and in ancient India was included Afghanistan. There it ends…”
“And the theory that the Shudra varna were all non-Aryans and they were a multitude, is equally illogical and irrational. It could not have been possible in those days that a few Aryans settled and lived there with a hundred thousand slaves at their command. The slaves would have eaten them up, made chutney of them in five minutes. The only explanation is to be found in the Mahabharat, which says that in the beginning of the Satya Yoga there was only one varna(character), the Brahmins, and then by differences of occupations they went on dividing themselves into different varna(character), and that is the only true and rational explanation that has been given. And in the coming Satya Yuga all other varna will have to go back to the same condition.” (The Complete Work of Swami Vivekananda, Vol.III Page 293)
New Evidence on the Indus Culture
The Indus Civilization – the ancient urban culture of north India in the third millenniem BC – has been interpreted as Dravidian or non-Aryan culture. Though this has never been proved, it has been taken by many people to be a fact. However, new archaelogiocal evidence shows that the so-called Indus culture was a Vedic culture, centered not on the Indus but on the banks of the Saraswati river of Vedic fame (the culture should be renamed not the Indus but the “Saraswati Culture”), and that its language was also related to Sanskrit. The ancient Saraswati dried up around 1900 BC. Hence the Vedic texts that speaks so eloquently of this river must predate this period.The racial types found in the Indus civilization are now found to have been generally the same as those of north India today, and that there is no evidence of any significant intrusive population into India in the Indus or post-Indus era.
This new information tends to either dismiss the Aryan invasion thoery or to place it back at such an early point in history (before 3000 BC or even 6000 BC), that it has little bearing on what we know as the culture of India.
In the last couple of decades, the discovery of the lost track of the Rig Vedic river Saraswati, the excavation of a chain of Harappan sites from Ropar in the Punjab to Lothal and Dhaulavira in Gujarat all along this lost track, the discovery of the archaeological remains of Vedis (alters) and Yupas connected with Vedic Yajnas (sacrifices) at Harrapan sites like Kalibangan, decipherment of the Harappan/Indus script by many scholars as a language belonging to Vedic Sanskrit family, the view of the archaeologists like Prof. Dales, Prof. Allchin etc. that the end of the Harappan civilization came not because of the so called Aryan invasion but as a result of a series of floods, the discovery of the lost Dwarka city beneath the sea water near Gujarat coast and its similarity with Harappan civilization, and an objective, accurate and contextual interpretation of Vedas indicate convincingly towards the full identity of the Harappan/Indus civilization with post Vedic civilization, and demand a re-examination of the entire gamut of Aryan Race/Invasion Theories.
Few so-called Islamic scholars like Dr.Zakir Naik have the audacity to change the sanskrit shlokas to satisfy his whims and fantasies.
इमा नारीरविधवाः सुपत्नीराञ्जनेन सर्पिषा संविशन्तु |
अनश्रवो.अनमीवाः सुरत्ना आ रोहन्तु जनयोयोनिमग्रे ||
उदीर्ष्व नार्यभि जीवलोकं गतासुमेतमुप शेष एहि |
हस्तग्राभस्य दिधिषोस्तवेदं पत्युर्जनित्वमभि सम्बभूथ ||
[ See Rig Ved, Mandala 10, Chapter 18, double line 7] (RV 10.18.7)
Original sanskrit Translation:
Let these unwidowed dames with noble husbands adorn themselves with fragrant balm and unguent.
Decked with fair jewels, tearless, free from sorrow, first let the dames go up to where he lieth.
Rise, come unto the world of life, O woman: come, he is lifeless by whose side thou liest.
Wifehood with this thy husband was thy portion, who took thy hand and wooed thee as a lover.
While the hymn actually calls for a widow to rise from the pier of her dead husband and now move on to take the hand of her new husband. So this terrible falsification was made to justify the burning of the widows to demean Hinduism.[ See Professor Maccdonnell's Sanskrit Literature, page 120-130 for a detailed discussion]
जनयोयोनिमग्रे is pronounced as yonim agre means “foremost“,hence the shloka is not changed at all but the translator has delibrately assumed the word as fire(yomiagne) to nullify the great mantra.
Fake translation:Let these women, whose husbands are worthy and are living, enter the house with ghee (applied) as collyrium (to their eyes). Let these wives first step into the pyre, tearless without any affliction and well adorned.[30]
Sati System during Islamic rule has been discussed further in this blog.
PEOPLE OF ARYAVARTA(INDIA) HAVE CAUCASIAN AND CAUCASIAN MONGOLOID DNA STRUCTURE.THEY ARE NOT AFRICANS UNLIKE RUNOKO RASHIDI CLAIMS.”There is no such thing scientifically speaking as Aryan and Dravidian races. The so-called Aryans and Dravidian races of India are members of the same Mediterranean branch of the Caucasian race, The Caucasian race is not simply white but also contains dark skinned types. Skin color and race is another nineteenth century idea that has been recently discarded.”As science advances,a more detailed DNA study will be done and the common grouping (Caucasian) will be removed and a new numbering will be given to Indians.The Indians do not fall in African DNA grouping so far.People of India do not consider themselves as Black or White.
THE RELIGION AND BELIEFS THROUGHOUT ARYAVARTA(INDIA) IS THE SAME.WHITE,BLACK,COLOURED STONES ARE USED TO MAKE IDOLS OF GOD.These black Dravidians portrayed their gods as blacks and portrayed evil beings with white skin is a very wrong notion that the African historian Runoko Rashidi holds.Probably he is a racist to even think of demeaning the Indian culture by bringing such insane ideas.
Ārya (Sanskrit: ā́rya: noble/lord, pure, perfect, excellent…) is a term used in indian languages that oftenly appears in indian literatures. The word Arya (Aryan) means “Noble”praja arya jyotiragrah (Aryans people are led by the divine grace).In the Mahabharata, the terms Arya or Anarya are often applied to people according to their behaviour. Dushasana, who tried to disrobe Draupadi in the Kaurava court, is called an “Anarya” meaning not an Aryan or not a Hindu.The Ramayana describes Rama as: arya sarva samascaiva sadaiva priyadarsanah, meaning “Arya, who worked for the equality of all and was dear to everyone.”
The origin of the varna system, formulated by the great legislator Manu, was admirable. He saw clearly that men are distinguished by natural evolution into four great classes: those capable of offering service to society through their bodily labor ( Sudras); those who serve through mentality, skill, agriculture, trade, commerce, business life in general (Vaisyas); those whose talents are administrative, executive, and protective rulers and warriors ( Kshatriyas); those of contemplative nature, spiritually inspired and inspiring (Brahmins). “Neither birth nor sacraments nor study nor ancestry can decide whether a person is twice-born (i.e., a Brahmin);” the Mahabharata declares, “character and conduct only can decide.A person who is desireless and egoless is a Brahmin.”Manu instructed society to show respect to its members insofar as they possessed wisdom,virtue, age, kinship or, lastly, wealth. Riches in Vedic India were always despised if they were hoarded or unavailable for charitable purposes.Ungenerous men of great wealth were assigned a low rank in society.The varna system was clearly seen as each varna being a part of human body and that if one is amputated the society would crumble.Shudra(workers) were highly respected and formed the pillar of the society.”Varna divisions are based on individual temperament, (Sattvadguji brahmanah syat ksatriyastu rajodhikah tamodhiko bhaved vaisyo gunasamyattu sudrata.) In the beginning there was only one Varna. Everyone in the world was  Brahmin(spiritual) (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad I. 4. 11-5; Many I. 31. Cp.
Lord Krishna as saying, in response to the question— “How is Varna (social order) determined?”
“Birth is not the cause, my friend; it is virtues which are the cause of auspiciousness. Even a chandala (lower varna) observing the vow is considered a Brahman by the gods.”
“The four fold division of varna’  “was created by me according to the apportionment of qualities and duties.”
“Not birth, not sacrament, not learning, make one dvija (twice-born), but righteous conduct alone causes it.”
“Be he a Sudra or a member of any other class, says the Lord in the same epic, “he that serves as a raft on a raftless current ,or helps to ford the unfordable, deserves respect in everyway.”Even a chandala(meat eaters) (lower varna) observing the vow is considered a Brahman by the god.
Race pride,color pride,class pride etc is born out of darkness and ignorance which brings humans down in spirituality.
In ancient Hindu society anyone who was spiritual and goes for higher learning was a Brahmin.It worked just like the modern company where there is a CEO,Financier,Security and worker.A person could easily change his job based on his characteristics and interests.Originally the Varna system was professional and subsequently became hereditary. The Brahmins were custodians of the spiritual culture of the race. He was friend, philosopher, guide to humanity. The Kshatriya is the guardian of society, its protector and preserver. The Vaisya is the expert in economics. His was the duty of arranging for the production and distribution of wealth. The Sudra was the worker or manual laborer. By his manual labor he places the entire community under a debt of gratitude. The system was evolved to keep the social fabric in a harmonious condition;but in later years it became a divisive force.It also lead to a prosperous Aryavarta(Land of Aryans or Land of Sages) which attracted many greedy invaders and settlers.
There was no caste system existing during the time of Buddha.Buddha had a magnetic personality which was loved and respected by all.This can be found in all the Buddhist scriptures.Since Buddhism was a sect of Hinduism in those era,the kings highly patronised it by sending there people with Buddhist teaching to different countries.The Brahmins easily accepted the preachings of Buddha.There was no opposition to Buddhism from anyone.Everybody happily accepted Buddha’s teachings as it was not taken as a new religion but as a segment of Upanishad-The Hindu scripture.The adwait philosophy of the Hinduism is Buddhism. If you read the Buddhist scripture,you will understand me better.Buddha was an avtar.Ravan was a saint or Brahmin due to meditation and he became Kshatriya or a King by profession in later years.The word ārya (Pāli: ariya), in the sense “noble” or “exalted”, is very frequently used in Buddhist texts to designate a spiritual warrior or hero, which use this term much more often than Hindu or Jain texts. Buddha’s Dharma and Vinaya are the ariyassa dhammavinayo. The Four Noble Truths are called the catvāry āryasatyāni (Sanskrit) or cattāri ariyasaccāni (Pali). The Noble Eightfold Path is called the āryamārga (Sanskrit, also āryāṣṭāṅgikamārga) or ariyamagga (Pāli). Buddhists themselves are called ariyapuggalas (Arya persons). Arya means Aryan and mārga means path of an Aryan.Those who despise Buddhism are often called “anāryas”meaning not an Aryan.Sikhism is actually called Sanatan Sikhi.Sikhism/Buddhism and Hinduism are British names.They are eternal religion with no specific name.
Some quotes from famous sikh gurus.
Ram katha jug jug atal
Sab koi bhakhat net Suragbas Raghuver kara
Sagri puri samet Jo en Katha sune aur gaave
Dukh pap tah nikat na aave
- Guru Govind Singh
Tin te sun Siri Tegh Bahadur
Dharam nibaahan bikhe Bahadur Uttar bhaniyo, dharam hum Hindu
Atipriya ko kin karen nikandu Lok parlok ubhaya sukhani
Aan napahant yahi samani Mat mileen murakh mat loi
Ise tayage pramar soi Hindu dharam rakhe jag mahin
Tumre kare bin se it nahin
- Guru Tegh Bahadur’s reply to Aurangzeb’s ordering him to embrace Islam.(In response, Shri Tegh Bahadur says, I am a Hindu,My religion is Hinduism and how can I abandon what is so dear to me? This religion helps you in this world and that, and only a fool would abandon it. God himself is the protector of this religion and no one can destroy it.)
Sakal jagat main Khalsa Panth gaje
Jage dharam Hindu sakal bhand bhaje
- Guru Govind Singh
(The Khalsa sect of Hinduism will roar around the world. Hinduism will awaken, its enemies will flee.)
Kahaiya Hinduan daro na ab tum
Im likho pathon dil sain Guru Nanak ki gadi par
Ab hain Tegh Bahadur Unko jo Muhummadi kar lihoon
To ham hain sab sadar Arya Dharma rakhak pragatiyo hain
- Guru Tegh Bahadur
(Hindus, do not fear, Guru Tegh Bahadur is Guru Nanak’s successor. If Muslims bother you, I’ll take care of them. For I am the protector of Hinduism.)
KHALISTAN:Even if I give a Buddhist,SSG….within few minutes he will tell that Kalistan is Void made through prolonged meditation.Khalistan is Shoonya/Void/State of shiva attained via meditation.What’s the point having “Deh Shiva bur mohi” as lead title song of Sikhism when Pakistan Govt became the Guru led by a Donkey called Bhinderwala.
I have mentioned in my channel description Shiva is Father( Absolute ) within and beyond vibratory creations.In meditation when we reach a stage where there is no vibration and absolute void….,This can be termed as Khalistan or state of Shiva.This is the time when Moksha is obtained.
Brahmasutra—-The only deliverance from the endless revolution from the wheel of Sansara was realized to lie in an escape to a region which,because there is no consciousness there,must necessarily be a barren and an empty land(Khalistan).It is an escape and an attainment,but in the escape from the bondage of the self.One is emptied of all sense of realization.Atma(Soul) is Silence.Shankara on Brahmasutra 111.ii.17
Moksha/Salvation—Sects, ceremonies, and books, so far as they are the means of a man’s realising his own nature, are all right; when he has realised that, he gives up everything. “I reject the Vedas!” is the last word of the Vedanta philosophy. Ritual, hymns, and scriptures, through which he has travelled to freedom, vanish for him. “So’ham, So’ham”– i am He, I am He — bursts from his lips, and to say “Thou” to God is blasphemy, for he is “one with the Father”
In 1193, the Nalanda University was sacked by Bakhtiyar Khalji, a Turk;This event is seen by scholars as a late milestone in the decline of Buddhism in India.Khilji is said to have asked if there was a copy of the Koran at Nalanda before he sacked it. The Persian historian Minhaj-i-Siraj, in his chronicle the Tabaquat-I-Nasiri,
reported that thousands of monks were burned alive and thousands beheaded as Khilji tried his best to uproot Buddhism and plant Islam by the sword,and the burning of the library contin­ued for several months and “smoke from the burning manuscripts hung for days like a dark pall over the low hills.”
The last throne-holder of Nalanda, Shakyashribhadra, fled to Tibet in 1204 CE at the invitation of the Tibetan translator Tropu Lotsawa (Khro-phu Lo-tsa-ba Byams-pa dpal).In Tibet he started an ordination lineage of the Mulasarvastivadin lineage to complement the two existing ones.Since the greatest Buddhist university was burnt,and the great spiritual monks killed,there was no one who could continue to teach people in .Buddhism in India gradually took the form of Tantricism.
["God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita - Royal Science of God-Realization", By Paramahansa Yogananda. 1955. ISBN: 0-87612-030-3. Published by Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, CA. Pages 455-460.]

Literal Translation: “According to the differentiation of attributes (gunas) and actions (karma), I have created the four castes.”
“THE LORD, AS THE COSMIC CREATOR, has fashioned a world of beings patterned after the activities of His own nature: Cosmic Intelligence, Cosmic Energy, Cosmic Organization or Orderly Law, and Cosmic Motion. In man, these activities are expressed under the differentiating influence of the three gunas or qualities with which the Lord has imbued Nature: sattva (elevating), rajas (activating), and tamas (degrading). From the actions and the good, active, or evil qualities of man arise the four natural castes: spiritual (Intelligence, or Brahmins), ruling and protecting (Energy, or Kshatriyas), organizing or business cultivating (Orderly Law, or Vaishyas), and labor (Motion, or Sudras). God’s consciousness, pure and beyond all attributes, assumes an outward appearance of differentiation when expressed through the variety of human qualities and behavior. As a pure white light remains unchanged and yet appears different when viewed through glasses of different colors, so the one Spirit expressing through the good, active, and evil qualities and characteristic activities of human beings looks different in each case, but is nevertheless the one Spirit.”
“THE SUN, MOON, STARS, planets, creatures, man, are the result of God’s intelligence, energy; and motion moving through space in an organized manner. Intelligence is God’s “brain”; energy is His “life”; motion is His “body”; and organization or orderly law is His plan of the universe. These four activities were combined into the form of the human being. Intelligence became the head. Cosmic Energy provided the life and vitality in the body: Motion created the feet. And organization in the body came from orderly law, God’s organizing power.”
“These four activities are the blueprint from which all races are made. (1) The intelligentsia, or wisdom-guided. They are the natural Brahmins who live close to God and reflect His Intelligence by discriminative thought and spiritual activity: (2) The energetic warriors and rulers. They are the natural Kshatriyas. The direct result of God’s Energy; they like to be active, to fight for a cause, to defend their country, to protect the defenseless and the weak. In every society, there are those who become evil and have to be checked by the idealistic strong. (3) The organizers. These are the business leaders. They are the natural Vaishyas. As an outgrowth of God’s orderly activity, they have an ability to organize the economic and labor structures of society: (4) The laboring class. They are the natural Sudras. They express the motion of God, without which the universal and social machinery would come to a halt.”
“The differences in these four natural castes of activity do not make one greater or less than the others. All are necessary to the Cosmic Plan. When in man’s body the brain, or the feet, or the hands, or the orderly life functions refuse to cooperate, the whole body suffers as a consequence. If in a society the superior intellects, the rulers and soldiers, the business leaders, and the laborers all fight each other, they will all suffer and perish. The welfare of one group cannot be sacrificed for the aggrandizement of another group falsely considered more elite or important.”
“Scriptures and history show that among all peoples, savage and civilized alike, a fourfold division of men has been made for the proper government of a large clan, race, or nation. Even from primeval times there seems to have been in all races a God-ordained natural classification of peoples into types-based not on heredity but on inherent characteristics.”
“In India certain powerful religious leaders among the Brahmins – not unlike the Pharisees in the time of Christ – arranged to base the caste system entirely on heredity to suit their own despotic purposes. For a long time the general masses fell prey to the theory that the vocation of priest or warrior or businessman or laborer should be determined according to heredity, and not according to innate tastes or abilities. The son of a Brahmin was automatically a Brahmin even if he knew nothing of religious or philosophical life, or even if he had tendencies to act like a businessman or a warrior or a sense slave. When the warriors in India lost out against foreign aggression, the businessmen, laborers, and priests stood by; inactive, saying, “Too bad the Kshatriyas (warriors) lost; it is, of course, against our hereditary custom for us from the other three castes to fight.” This wrong attitude is one of the reasons why India lost her liberty when the land was invaded by enemies.”
“This accursed hereditary view of caste always has been condemned by wise swamis, yogis, and other enlightened men of India. Shankara, the founder of the Swami Order, wrote: “No birth, no death, no caste have I.” He renounced the Brahmin caste in which he had been born. The followers of Mahatma Gandhi and of other modern leaders in India are doing much good in reforming the caste system.”
“Of course, it can be rightfully assumed that through the influence of heredity and environment, the offspring of priests, warriors, businessmen, and laborers are usually bound to show many “family” traits. It may be easier for a son of a priest to become a priest, and for a son of a warrior to become a soldier. But it is also true that the strongest instincts in offspring do not always reflect the qualities of the parents. The sons of ministers are proverbially known to choose other vocations; and so it is with the other “castes.” The son of Napoleon was by no means a military genius! Two children whose natures are in direct opposition are often found in one family: A single cause of affinity, such as a love of harmony, is responsible for the re- birth of a materially inclined person in a spiritually harmonious family.”
“It is therefore pure ignorance to classify castes according to heredity, for we know that a laborer’s child may be a musical genius, and that the son of a warrior may be a good businessman. In accordance with modem military draft laws, sons of clergymen, businessmen, and laborers – and not only the offspring of warriors – have been drawn into the vortex of war; all classes have shown equal reluctance – and equal bravery!”
“Each man, the reincarnation of an ego with various personal traits and instincts, born in a family whose characteristics may be quite foreign to him, should be allowed to pursue the work most congenial to him.”
“THIS VERSE OF THE GITA, mentioning the creation of the four castes, refers not only to the activities toward which man is naturally inclined, but also to the fact that, although souls have all been made in the same image of Spirit, yet, when introduced into various bodies, they are allowed free choice to be influenced by the three gunas of Nature. These three qualities produce the four natural qualitative castes. All men display an admixture of all the gunas, thus accounting for the bewildering variety of human nature in general, and also for the bewildering variety sometimes found in one person!”
“Each man is marked with his natural caste by the predominance in himself of one of the following gunas or guna-mixtures: (1) sattva (good qualities), (2) sattva-rajas (mixture of good and active qualities), (3) rajas-tamas (mixture of active and materialistic qualities), (4) tamas (dark or evil qualities).”
“In accordance with personal karma, a man is born into (1) the natural Brahmin caste, “knowers of Brahma or Spirit,” or (2) the natural Kshatriya caste, in which a mixture of good and activity-loving qualities predominates, or (3) the natural Vaishya caste, marked by a mixture of activity-loving and materialistic tendencies, or (4) the natural Sudra caste, characterized chiefly by love of bodily pleasures.”
“These four guna-states also influence meditation. In the attainment of yogic realization, the first state of meditation is surrounded by darkness. (“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”) The devotee is spoken of as being in the Sudra state when his mind is fully engrossed in the muscular and sensory restlessness of the body: When the yogi meditates deeper he beholds a reddish light on a dark background; he begins to cultivate the seeds of various spiritual perceptions on the soil of intuition, and has then risen to the next or Vaishya state.”
“The yogi develops further; with his divine-and-active attributes, he begins consciously to win the battle between sense distractions and soul intuitions. He becomes a veteran warrior, able to destroy successfully his invading sensations and subconscious thoughts by switching off his life force from the sensory-motor nerves. This is the sense-victorious Kshatriya state, in which the yogi sees a white light with a reddish glow – the light of the accumulated energy that has been withdrawn from the senses.”
“He learns how to withdraw this energy from the six spinal fortresses where the senses and the superior perceptions are ever locked in a battle between body consciousness and spiritual perceptions. In this fourth state, the yogi is successful in disconnecting his consciousness from earthly possessions, bodily sensations, subconscious thoughts, and life forces, and takes his ego (pseudosoul) through the sensory and motor nerves, the six spinal knots of flesh and mind to the frontal lobes of the brain in the fontanel region, and becomes united with the indescribable white light of the Omnipresent Spirit (Brahman), manifestly expressed or seated on the subtly luminous throne of thousand-rayed spiritual perceptions. This is the supreme state of the natural Brahmin.”
Discrimination of converts to Islam started by the foreign invaders.
1) Changez Khan-Mongolian
(2) Muhammad Ghori-Turk
(3) Muhammad of Ghazni-Turk
(4) Muhammad-bin-Qasim-Arab
(5) Mughal Emperors-Timurids-Turko-Mongols
(6) Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan-Afgan
(7) Khilji Dynasty-Turk
The Caste system became more pronounced after the Muslims made their appearance on the shores of India, when religious discrimination and oppressive taxation (Jizya a taxation on non-Muslims imposed by Muslim rulers), conspired to remove certain segments of the population from the political system and economic advancement. The Muslim rulers became quite adroit at exploiting it. Some Brahmins and Buddhist monks were exempt from the taxation and alternately people of each varna(character) .
Ziauddin Barani (1285 – 1357) was an Muslim historian and political thinker who lived in India during Muhammad bin Tughlaq and Firuz Shah’s reign. He was best known for composing the Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi, a major historical work on medieval India, which covers the period from the reign of Ghiyas ud din Balban to the first six years of reign of Firuz Shah Tughluq and the Fatwa-i-Jahandari which details the Muslim Caste System in South Asia and also the invension of Caste System in Islam.
Fatwa-i-Jahandari-The Fatwa-i-Jahandari is a work containing the political ideals to be pursued by a Muslim ruler in order to earn religious merit and the gratitude of his subjects.His book deals with segregation of the Muslim ashraf upper castes or sons of Mohammad and ajlaf low castes, in addition to the azral undercastes or the Dalit Muslims who are regarded as “ritually polluted” by the ashraf.The work delves into aspects of religion and government and the meeting of those two, as well as political philosophy. He notes:
Religion and temporal government are twins; that is, head of religion and the head of government are twin brothers.
Sections of the ulema (scholars of Islamic jurisprudence) provide religious legitimacy to caste with the help of the concept of kafa’a. Ziauddin Barani, a member of the court of Muhammad bin Tughlaq, of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. Barani was known for his intensely casteist views, and regarded the Ashraf Muslims as racially superior to the Ajlaf Muslims. He divided the Muslims into grades and sub-grades. In his scheme, all high positions and privileges were to be a monopoly of the high born Turks, not the Indian Muslims. Even in his interpretation of the Koranic verse “Indeed, the pious amongst you are most honored by Allah”, he considered piety to be associated with noble birth. Barrani was specific in his recommendation that the “sons of Mohamed” [i.e. Ashrafs] “be given a higher social status than the low-born [i.e. Ajlaf].His most significant contribution in the fatwa was his analysis of the castes with respect to Islam.His assertion was that castes would be mandated through state laws or “Zawabi” and would carry precedence over Sharia law whenever they were in conflict. In the Fatwa-i-Jahandari (advice XXI), he wrote about the “qualities of the high-born” as being “virtuous” and the “low-born” being the “custodian of vices”. Every act which is “contaminated with meanness and based on ignominity, comes elegantly [from the Ajlaf]“. Barani had a clear disdain for the Ajlaf and strongly recommended that they be denied education, lest they usurp the Ashraf masters. He sought appropriate religious sanction to that effect. Barrani also developed an elaborate system of promotion and demotion of Imperial officers (“Wazirs”) that was primarily on the basis of their caste.In addition to the Ashraf/Ajlaf divide, there is also the Arzal caste among Muslims, who were regarded as “Untouchables” 
The term “Arzal” stands for “degraded” and the Arzal castes are further subdivided into Bhanar, Halalkhor, Hijra, Kasbi, Lalbegi, Maugta, Mehtar etc. The Arzal group was recorded in the 1901 census in India and are also called Dalit Muslims “with whom no other Muhammadan would associate, and who are forbidden to enter the mosque or to use the public burial ground”.They are relegated to “menial” professions such as scavenging and carrying night soil.
Some of the backward or lower-caste Muslim communities include Ansari, Kunjra, Churihara, Dhobi and Halalkhor. The upper caste Muslim communities include Syed, Sheikh, Pathan, Mirza, and Mallik.Genetic data has also supported this stratification.
Interactions between the oonchi zat (upper caste) and neechi zat (lower caste) are regulated by established patron-client relationships of the jajmani system, the upper castes being referred to as the ‘Jajmans’, and the lower caste as ‘Kamin’. Upon contact with a low-caste Muslim, a Muslim of a higher zat can “purify” by taking a short bath, since there are no elaborate rituals for purification. In Bihar state of India, cases have been reported in which the higher caste Muslims have opposed the burials of lower caste Muslims in the same graveyard.
When the Asraf Muslim were killed by Hindu,Sikhs and British,the Ajlaf took sirnames of these dead people to avoid descrimination and embarassment in society.
Some data indicates that the castes among Muslims been more  rigid among Muslims than any other religion.Muslims do agree that Caste System became more pronounced during the Muslim regime.
The Sachar Committee‘s report commissioned by the government of India and released in 2006, documents the continued stratification in Muslim society.The muslims have demanded Dalit status in India.
Al-Biruni writes about a much admired Brahmin king of Sindh in the 8th century called Chach (hence the historical journal: Chach-nama), who ruled admirably but went straight to Hell, when he died, as he is an infidel. Much of the freedom enjoyed by the citizens had to be curtailed out of necessity and Islam had a profound negative effect on the progress of the more liberal Hinduism. The rigid Islam was only marginally influenced by Hindu religion as seen in Sufism, the segment of Islam that incorporated Vedanta of the Upanishads in their belief.Caste System based on muslim law became a common practise in all the religions.Caste system  introduced by Muslim invaders in India with Shaikh being the highest caste.The weavers of India can still make ancient embroidary patterns and have retained their heridetary job.
Caste System was opposed by the great saints of the Bhakti Movement Guru Nanak dev(Sikhism)15 April 1469 -22 September 1539,Kabir(Liberal Sufism) 1440—1518,Meerabai((c.1498-c.1547CE),Tukārām (1577 – c.1650),Surdas (1478/1479 – 1581/1584 in Braj near Mathura),Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) and all the Brahmin saints saw the upcomming evils of the caste based society and opposed it.This is the reason why Muslims,Hindus,Christians,Sikh,Buddhist had caste system,Islamic era onwards.
The great liberal Indian Sufi Saint Kabir 1440—1518 requested the masses to avoid meat eaters but not to hate them.Kabir would not allow meat eaters to attend the daily satsang he conducted under the shade of a tree, where his followers recited shlokas.Kabir too was a strict vegetarian. He condemned meat-eating; and enjoined on all his disciples to control rasa (taste) of the tongue. Kabir, too, condemned the popular superstition that a man, by eating sacrificial meat, could have access to the “heaven world” or ” paradise.”
All violence. -Kabir calls it Zor, is oppression. He says :- “All violence is (tyranny).” And he urges that for every act of violence man is responsible to God. “He who kills an animal or eats animal flesh,” Kabir says.” is a murderer in God’s darbar. False is the prayer in which truth is murdered.” A Muslim who takes meat and regards not the suffering of tortured creatures, may be called by men a pir but is. according to Kabir, a Kafir.”All jivas” says Kabir “are pictures of the One. “The meat-eater, Kabir calls a rakshasa for he has driven out compassion from his heart. (Mira Aug.’55).All the saint in that era condemed killing of animals for food.
People who still continued meat eating were avoided by the masses.They were the outcaste or the untouchables.Those who left meat eating joined the main stream society.This helped save the wild life and animal rights.
Why The British Hated the Brahmins
“The British were not wrong in their distrust of educated Brahmins in whom they saw a potential threat to their supremacy in India. For instance, in 1879 the Collector of Tanjore in a communication to Sir James Caird, member of the Famine Commission, stated that “there was no class (except Brahmins ) which was so hostile to the English.” The predominance of the Brahmins in the freedom movement confirmed the worst British suspicions of the community. Innumerable CID reports of the period commented on Brahmin participation at all levels of the nationalist movement. In the words of an observer,
“If any community could claim credit for driving the British out of the country, it was the Brahmin community. Seventy per cent of those who were felled by British bullets were Brahmins”.
 To counter what they perceived, a Brahmanical challenge, the British launched on the one hand a major ideological attack on the Brahmins and, on the other incited non-Brahmin caste Hindus to press for preferential treatment, a ploy that was to prove equally successful vis-à-vis the Muslims.
In the attempt to rewrite Indian history, Brahmins began to be portrayed as oppressors and tyrants who willfully kept down the rest of the populace. Their role in the development of Indian society was deliberately slighted. In ancient times, for example, Brahmins played a major part in the spread of new methods of cultivation (especially the use of the plough and manure) in backward and aboriginal areas. The Krsi-parasara, compiled during this period, is testimony to their contribution in this field. Apart from misrepresenting the Indian past, the British actively encouraged anti-Brahmin sentiments.
Apart from misrepresenting the Indian past, the British actively encouraged anti-Brahmin sentiments.
A number of scholars have commented on their involvement in the anti-Brahmin movement in South India. As a result of their machinations non-Brahmins turned on the Brahmins with a ferocity that has few parallels in Indian history. This was all the more surprising in that for centuries Brahmins and non-Brahmins had been active partners and collaborators in the task of political and social management.
(source: The Plight of Brahmins – By Meenakshi Jain The Indian Express, Tuesday, September 18, 1990
Author S. Balagangadhara writes:
“The Brahmins were identified as the ‘clergy’ or the priests of Hinduism. An explicit hostility towards the heathen priesthood was not helped by the inability of the messengers of God’s word to convert Brahmins to British Christianity. In Brahmins, they came across a literate group, which was able to read, write, do arithmetic, conduct ‘theological’ discussions, etc. During the first hundred years or so, this group was the only source of information about India as far as the missionaries were concerned. Schooled to perform many administrative tasks, the Brahmins were mostly the only ones well-versed in the European languages – enough to communicate with the Europeans. In short, they appeared both to be the intellectual group and the most influential social layer in the Indian social organization. Conversion of the heathens of India, as the missions painfully discovered, did not depend so much on winning the allegiance of the prince or the king as it did on converting the Brahmins. Conversion to British political Christianity would have also enslave India under British rule forever.  
I have mentioned British political Christianity because I know the preachings of Christ was not what the British portrayed to the Indians.Their deeds were in contrast to the beautiful philosophy of Christianity.We respect Christianity but not the Christianity that the British has defined.The religion doesn’t preach hate nor does it preach killing of people who strongly followed non-violence.We also do not blame the current British people for what few of their ancestors did in the past.Past is dead and we should not repeat the evil past and learn from it.In Kali Yuga,invasions happens and ignorance is bound to come.
This attack was born out of the inability of British political Christianity to gain a serious foothold in the Indian society. The ‘red race’ was primitive – it could be decimated; the ‘blacks’ were backward – they could be enslaved; the ‘yellow’ and the ‘brown’ were inferior – they could be colonized. But how to convert them? One would persecute resistance and opposition. How to respond to indifference? The attitude of these heathens towards British Christianity, it is this: indifference. 
(source: The Heathen in His Blindness…: Asia, the West and the Dynamic of Religion – By S. Balagangadhara p.  82 -149). For more refer to chapter on First Indologists and European Imperialism).
PROOF THAT THE VARNA SYSTEM PRACTISED WAS NOT BASED ON BIRTH.The list below mentions the name of the famous Shudra(ignorant) who after attaining knowledge became  Brahmins(The one who knows Brahma).This Brahmin stage could be reached only through meditation and not by birth.Only a desireless,egoless person is a Brahmin.The one who has desires will have any of the three varna based on his conduct and nature.Search within yourself and you will know which varna you belong.
Janma Jaata Shudra Sarve Karmenu Brahman Bhavathi
which means
All people are shudra(ignorant) by birth and can become Brahmin ONLY by their deeds and meditation.
Saints in Hinduism•Sant Bogar, goldsmith, a South Indian Siddhar who became a Siddhar under the guidance of Kalanginaathar. It is said tha the proceeded to China to teach the ways of the Siddhars. There is even a myth that Lao Tze is none other than Bhogar.Bhogar’s Samadhi is to be found in the South West corridor at the Palani Murugashrine
•Sant Dadu, cotton carder, founded DaduPanth, tried to bridge gap between Hindusand Muslims
•Sant Enadinatha, Shanar (Toddy tapper)devotee of Shiva
•Sant Goroba, Kumbhar (potter)
•Sant Ilakkulaccanrar, Shanar devotee ofShiva
•Sant Janabai, Dasi, domestic servant in Sant Namdev’s home, performed Vatsalya Bhakti on Lord Vitthala
•Sant Kabir, member of the weaver  and Vaishnava devotee of LordRama. He tried to bring peace between Hindus and Muslims. He is said to have been found in a lotus flower according to a legend.
•Sant Kanakadas, Kuruba, a devotee of Krishna
1•Sant Kahar, a weaver, devotee of Vishnu(Ranchi University P. 58 Journal of Social Research)
•Sant Kwaja Lassa Sahib
•Sant Kanchipurna, Vaishnava devotee of Lord Vishnu
•Sant Matsyendranath, said to be born out of a fish and then adopted by a fisherwoman, worshiped by Shaiva,Vaishnavas, tantric and Buddhists
•Sant Namdev, Vaishnava devotee of Lord Vithoba. It is said that he is a part (Amsa)of Lord Krishna, wrote
Abhangs devoted to Krishna
•Sant Nammalvar
•Sant Raka Kumbhar, potter, devotee of Vitthal
•Revana Siddeshwara, Kuruba, devotee of Lord Shiva
•Sant Sajan Kasai, butcher
•Sant Savata Mali, Mali (gardener) from Aran, Maharashtra, devotee of  Vithal,wrote Abhangs devoted to Krishna
•Sant Sena, Nai (barber), wrote Abhangs devoted to Krishna
•Sant Sachidanand, Nai, devotee of Dattatreya
•Siddharameswar Maharaj, a devotee of Lord Shiva
•Sant Tirukkacchi Nambi
•Sant Tiruneelakanda Nayanar, potter,devotee of Shiva
•Sant Visoba Khechar, grocer, devotee of Lord Shiva and the disciple of the saint Shri Gnaneshwar Maharaj of Aalandi.
•Maharishi Ramananda Raya, a very important devotee of Krishna
•Maharshi Aitreya Mahidasa, composed the Aitreya Brahmana and sections 1-3 of the Aitreya Aranyaka (the latter contains the Aitreya Upanishad – one of the 10 canonical Upanishads for Hindus) belonging to the Rigveda.
•Maharishi Karve Maharishi Angira considered ascreator of RigVeda belonged to Jangid Brhamin Com-munity and his successors known as khati
•Bhagat Amir Shankar, butcher, devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba
•Bhagat Avvaiyyar, Azhvar
•Bhagat Bala Ganpat Shimpi, tailor, friend of Shirdi Sai Baba
•Bhakta Jaidev, made poetry of the Gita-Govinda
•Bhakta Kakshivat, a Brahmavadin, was the son of Dirghatamas by a Shudra maidservant (Brihaddevata 4.24-25). His descendants are also referred to as”Kakshivat”.
•Bhagat Mhalsapati Sonar, goldsmith, the supreme devotee of the saint Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi
•Mudisoodum Perumal, Nadar, a religious Ayyavazhi reformer
•Karta Ram Maharaj, Rajasthani,meghawals (leather-weavers) the guru.
•Kashiram Shimpi, tailor
•Gabaji Sutar, carpenter, devotee of SaiBaba in Sai’s time
•Bhakta Narayan Baba, the youngest son of Tukaram, began Pandharpur Festival in1685
•Rajak Var-Pradanam, Chanda(washerman), first disciple ofShripad ShriVallabhaavatar
•Bhakta Rani Rasmoni, Bengali, founded the Dakshineswar Kali Temple
•Bhakta Madanapala was the son of a boat woman
•Bhakta M.S. Subbulakshmi, devotee of Vishnu, musician and was taught Bhajagovindam and Vishnu Sahasranamam
from her guru Chandrashekarendra Saraswati
•Bhakta Vatsa, according to the Rig Veda, a descendant of Kanva RV 6.1; 8.8 etc; was called a Shudra-putra (PanchavimshaBrahman 14.66).
•Bhakta Sarala Dasa, wrote the Mahabharata in Oriya. He was renamed Sarala from Siddheswar Parida (after the boon Goddess Sarala.)
•ShriAyya Vaikundar, consideredincarnation of Vishnu in the AyyavazhiSmarta sect
•MaharshiVeda Vyas, son of a fisherwoman,composed the Mahabharata, considered an avatara of Vishnu. Maharishi Ved Vyas,who is credited to have compiled/edited all the four Vedas in present format .
“•Narad Muni, was son of maidservant who became a Brahmana and was taught byVaishnava gurus, wrote the Narad Bhakti Sutra. He is mentioned as one of the 25 avatars of Lord Vishnu Of all trees I am the banyan tree, and of thes ages among the demigods I am Narada.Of the Gandharvas I am Citraratha, and among perfected beings I am the sage Kapila.
“•Sukhdevji, the son of the great guru and avatar of Sri Vishnu.
website http://www.hinduwisdom.info/Caste_System.htm
The caste system is based on the sound economic principle of division of labor which ensures efficiency of production. A person from his birth knew what profession he was to follow later on. So from the start, he devoted all his energy to the one profession of his forefathers. It was because of this reason that in every period of Indian history, there was no dearth of highly-skilled workers and scholars.  Britishers were impressed by the talents and artistic skill of the Indians in every art and craft.”
Michael Pym wrote : “Caste is the secret of that amazing stability which is characteristic of the Indian social structure. It is the strength of Hinduism. Naturally, it can be abused. The moment a Brahmin treats a sweeper cruelly because he is a sweeper, he departs from his Brahminhood. He becomes a usurper and a social danger. And in due course, he will have to pay for this mistake. Because men are imperfect, and because power is a deadly intoxicant, such abuses may and do occur, but they are not inherent in the institution – they are contrary to its principles, though they may be inherent in the make up of the individual.
Caste in itself is also a protection for the individual, because it permits group action. The reason why a Hindu dreads being outcaste is analogous to the reason why, in England say, a worker would dread being thrown out of his trade union.
Queen Kunti had received a mantra from a Rishi by which she could summon any God and get a child from him. She was a young girl that time. She innocently summoned Sun (just to test the claim) and he appeared before her. She wanted him gone but bound by mantra he couldn’t leave without granting her the boon of a son. That’s how Karan was born to unwed mother. Fearing social stigma she abandoned the child in a river and he was found & raised by a charioteer(Shudra). He was a Kshatria(Soldier) by character and conduct and he later became a King. Avtar Krishna did not let him marry Princess  Draupadi because she was already granted the wish of having the 5  top qualities in a husband and Karan did not have those qualities.
Although the case of Karna & Parshurama was totally different.
He deceived his guru into thinking he was a brahman to obtain learning.
He was caught when his thigh was stung by a wasp (which was indra in disguise who knew what all things would follow) & karna didnt make a sound as his guru was having a nap with his head on his thigh. Blood oozed out of his thigh & that woke up Parshuram who immediately guessed that Karna could not be a brahman as only a kshtriya can bear such pain and he deserved to be trained as a soldier and not an ascetic.Karan later became a king.

Ekalavya was not a Shudra and Shudras were very well respected in Mahabharata and Ramayana.
There are some popular misconceptions about some characters in Mahabharat. One such story deals with Ekalavya and Guru Dron. The misconception perpetuated is that Guru Dron asked the right thumb of Ekalavya because the latter belonged to a lower caste/class.
This is incorrect as per sanskrit Mahabharat (Nilkanth copy) as well as Bhandarkar Institute reseached copy. The Bhandarkar Institute copy was the main source for the Mahabharat TV series and it gives the correct reason (as does the series).
Ekalavya was a Nishad. His father, the leader (King) of Nishads,was in the employ of Jarasandh (king of Magadh), as one of the army commanders. Jarasandh was an adversary of the Kuru Hastinapur Kingdom (where Pandu and Dhritarashtra ruled). Ekalavya ‘snooped’ to learn Guru Dron’s vidya. Dron foresaw that Ekalavya may use this knowledge against Dron’s employer, King of Hastinapur and hence asked the right thumb as Guru DakshiNa and thus denied the advantage Ekalavya had gained. Later on Ekalavya did work as a confidant of Jarasandh. Specifically, at the time of Rukmini Swayamvar, Ekalavya was the messenger between Shishupal and Rukmini’s father Bhishmak, at Jarasandh’s behest.
The great liberal Indian Sufi Saint Kabir 1440—1518 requested the masses to avoid meat eaters but not to hate them.Kabir would not allow meat eaters to attend the daily satsang he conducted under the shade of a tree, where his followers recited shlokas.Kabir too was a strict vegetarian. He condemned meat-eating; and enjoined on all his disciples to control rasa (taste) of the tongue. Kabir, too, condemned the popular superstition that a man, by eating sacrificial meat, could have access to the “heaven world” or ” paradise.”
All violence. -Kabir calls it Zor, is oppression. He says :- “All violence is (tyranny).” And he urges that for every act of violence man is responsible to God. “He who kills an animal or eats animal flesh,” Kabir says.” is a murderer in God’s darbar. False is the prayer in which truth is murdered.” A Muslim who takes meat and regards not the suffering of tortured creatures, may be called by men a pir but is. according to Kabir, a Kafir.”All jivas” says Kabir “are pictures of the One. “The meat-eater, Kabir calls a rakshasa for he has driven out compassion from his heart. (Mira Aug.’55).All the saint in that era condemed killing of animals for food.
People who still continued meat eating were avoided by the masses.They were the outcaste or the untouchables.Those who left meat eating joined the main stream society.This helped save the wild life and animal rights.
They are a tiny group of people who were slaves and sold to Arabia where slavery was the trend in the Muslim word.The trade route of these African people was via India to Arab countries.The Siddi escaped slavery by escaping to India and they now live in the west coast in Gujarat.The Siddi live in their own world and avoid joining the main stream.They are given special reservation by the government of India.Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962.Slavery is very much a part of Islam as Prophet Mohammad had many slave workers and is said to have encouraged slavery of the African masses.
The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says:
“Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognisant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest.”
For those who would like to read the Arabic wording I reproduce it hereunder in Roman script:
“Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum”.
(Page 315 Sayar-ul-okul).
[Note: The title ‘Saya-ul-okul’ signifies memorable words.]
The symbolic meaning of Shiva is preserved in the Hebrew Genesis, where the Lingam has changed to the Tree of life’  and the symbol of fertility  - ‘that was gives live’ - has changed to Chavvah = { khav-vaw } = ‘EVA’ =’EVE’ = ‘Live giver’ .   Shiva = ‘SCHI-WAH”.  
The power of the divine God is refered to as Goddess or Shakti.The power of Shiva has various synonyms depending on levels of energy. “Allah” or Durga  or Sati or Parvati, or Uma, Gauri, or Kali or Amba.During higher state of kundalini yoga,we arouse within our body these powers of God or Allah.When Gandhi wrote-”Ishwar Allah tero naam,subko samati dey bhagwan.He was talking of this power or Shakti.”In Sanskrit Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms.
Haram is also a sanskrit word meaning Shiva.
Surah is also a sanskrit word and surah’s were written for demi-god Indra.
In Tamil Nadu Kabaalishwaran temple is Lord Shiva’s temple and Kabaali refers to Lord Shiva. The black stone at Kaaba is held sacred and holy in Islam and is called “Hajre Aswad” from the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta or Non-white stone. The Shiva Lingam is also called Sanghey Ashweta. So what is in Kaaba could be the same what Hindus worship. The pedestal Maqam-E-Ibrahim at the centre of the Kaaba is octagonal in shape. In Hinduism, the pedestal of Brahma the creator is also octagonal in shape. Muslim pilgrims visiting the Kaaba temple go around it seven times. In no other mosque does the circumambulation prevail. Hindus invariably circumambulate or Pradakshina, around their deities. This is yet another proof that the Kaaba shrine is a pre-Islamic. In Shiva temples Hindus always practice circumambulation or Pradakshina. Just as in Hinduism, the custom of circumambulation by muslim pilgrims around the entire Kaaba building seven times shows that the claim that in Islam they don’t worship stones is not true.
Allah was one of the deities in Kaaba long before Islam was founded.
Here is an article by Swami Vivekananda who was the first Indian saints who wrote on the false prophet Mohammad.
The bible gives two stories of Abraham. In this first version, Abraham told Pharaoh that he was lying when he introduced Sarai as his sister. In the second version, he also told the king? of Gerar that Sarai was really his sister. However, when the king scolded him for lying, Abraham said that Sarai was in reality both his wife and his sister! “…and yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.” (Genesis 20:12.)
The word Abraham has no meaning in Hebrew or any other language but in sanskrit-it means the divine consciousness. Hinduism also has similar stories of Brahma and Sarai-swati,The power of Brahma(divine consciousness) is called Saraswati.When the power is united with Brahma….The terminology is called wife.When the power comes from the? same source, then it is called sister.So Saraswati is both sister and wife.These termonologies are vedic terminology.People interpret it as incest.Brahma and Goddess Saraiswati are not human beings nor born on earth but it means divine consciousness and it’s power.
Hindu God Brahma was lost in translation in the Abrahamic religion.
Abraham–According to Genesis 17:5, his name was changed by God from Abram
(probably meaning “the father is exalted”) to Abraham, a name which Genesis explains as meaning “father of many”.however the name does not have any literal meaning in Hebrew.
So far there is no word in Hindu scripture for “Bride burning”.Sati is the power/shakti of the formless Shiva.In Puranic history Sati once jumped in fire and Shiva was bereft of his power but the powers were reborn as Parvati.In Hindu scripture,the power or Shakti is denoted as Goddess.There are various levels of power of the almighty like Durga,Kali etc which can be aroused in the body through Kundalini Yoga.It was Sati(formless and infinite) which was engulfed by fire and not Shiva(formless and infinite).The higher level of power/energy/shakti reborn was called Parvati.We take an example of Uttara. The great hero Abhimanyu was born of Subhadrâ. This Abhimanyu and the five sons of Draupadi were killed in battle. Abhimanyu’s wife Uttarâ was the charming daughter of the king Virât. Uttara never burnt herself but was highly respected in Mahabharata .From this comes the word Uttara Nashatra in astrology where the stars predicts a difficult married life and methods to overcome it.If widow-burning was a Vedic dictum,then in Ramayana–Kausalya,Sumitra,Kaikeyi should have been thrown into the funeral pyre of Dasaratha-IT DID NOT HAPPEN—-In Mahabharatha,Kunti after the death of her husband Pandu should have been thrown into the funeral pyre of Pandu–IT DID NOT HAPPEN.Sulochana was wife of Indrajeet and when Indrajeet died Sulochana became the most brave and respected woman who encouraged her husband on the path of Dharma.
In several schools for Vedic priests, many graduates are women.(Reference:- ^ Vaasuda Narayanan, Women of Power in the Hindu tradition ) Education
Katyayana’s Varttika 125, 2477 mentions that there were female teachers of grammar. Patanjali wrote in his comments to Ashtadhyayi 3.3.21 and 4.1.14, that women undergo the thread ceremony before beginning their education, and says that women studied grammar.
In the marriage hymn (RV 10.85.26), the bride “should address the assembly like a commander.”
A Rig Veda hymn says:the bride says as hereunder during? marriage:-”I am the banner and the head, a mighty arbitress am I: I am victorious, and my Lord(husband) shall be submissive to my will.(Rig Veda, Book 10. HYMN CLIX. Saci Paulomi.)These are probably the earliest references to the position of women in Hindu society.
In the medival periods(after 1000A.D.) in some parts of India (like Rajputaana) bordering other nations,Religious marauders were frequently raiding,looting and plundering and arresting women (who have lost their husbands in the war) and taking them away as slaves.Then the ladies started the practice of entering the Funeral Pyres secretly in the night time and then in day light.This practice was stopped? by sri.Raja Ram Mmohan Rai’s bill.In South India below Maharashtra this practice was NEVER there in the last 10,000 years or before.If it was a Religious dictun they should have also followed.this horrondous practice.Sati means =virtuous woman–does NOT mean “widow-burning”–There is NO Sanskrit word for Widow burning at all.–All Hindu religious literature are in Sanskrit
Madhava’s Shankaradigvijaya (9.63) mentions that she was well versed in the Vedas and Tarka Saastram(argumentative skills). Tirukkoneri? Dasyai (15th century) wrote a commentary on Nammalvar’s Tiruvaayamoli, with reference to Vedic texts like the Taittiriya Yajurveda.sri.Andal of Srivilliputtur is considered as a brilliant composer of Religious hymnes and her verses are recited in All sri Vaishnava temples(including the temples in USA and UK,even today)
The Harita Dharmasutra (of the Maitrayaniya school of Yayurveda) declares that there are two kind of women: Sadhyavadhu who marry, and the Brahmavaadini who are inclined to religion(Brahma Gjnaanis=knowledgeable authorities on Brahmam), they can wear the sacred thread(like men), perform rituals like the agnihotra and read? the Vedas. Bhavabhuti’s Uttararamacharita 2.3 says that Atreyi (Aatreya’s daughter) went to Southern India where she studied the Vedas and Indian philosophy. Shankara debated with the female philosopher Ubhaya Bharati, and Madhava’s
In Vedic period for several 1000s of years ladies were enjoying the same freedom as men.-Many Ladies like sarva sri.Vaagambruni, Gaargi, Maitreyi,Devayani,(even in 8 th century A.D.Bharathi) were Vedic Scholars.Several women sages and seers are mentioned in the Upanishads, the philosophical part of the Vedas, notable among them being Gargi and Maitreyi.? The Sanskrit word for female teachers as Acharya=Aacharyaa (as opposed to Acharya for teacher and Acharyini for teacher’s wife) reveal that women were also given a place as Gurus.
Parts of India was ruled by Islamic invaders and fighting between muslim kings with Hindu kings was common.Muslim kings also fought amoung themselves.To explain the reason for invasion of India,we have to take a look at the law of the country.
This tradition is exemplified in a verse from “Bhihadaranyakopanishad,” which reads “Artha ya icched duhita me pandita jayeta,” (a well-to-do Political instability and successive foreign invasions further made it difficult for women to take up formal learning, which made it impossible for her to undertake Vedic studies and conduct Vedic rites.
To understand the systems prevalent at that time, it is interesting to look at the nature and origin of Hindu Law about which John Mayne said in July, 1878 Hindu Law has the oldest pedigree of any known system of jurisprudence, and even now it shows no signs of decrepitude. At this day it governs races of men, extending from Cashmere to Cape Comorin, who agree in nothing else except their submission to it.11 It should be noted that the British who have always (erroneously) prided themselves on uniting India were forced to admit that even after almost eight centuries of foreign rule, the country from Cashmere to Cape Comorin was governed by a common set of laws and this was when the country was said to have been divided into hundreds of small kingdoms.
The situation in India was very different because no King had any legislative powers in ancient India. Legislative activity or Law making was done only at the Centres of Learning which can well be called the Universities of that time. Varanasi, Ujjain, Nalanda, Rameshwaram and almost all major temple towns were such centres of learning. The word Rishi used in Indian texts has often been translated as ascetic or sage but this creates a confusion and lends to the term a super-human aura, a sort of mysticism. An impression has often been created in public mind that the Rishis who framed laws did nothing else but sit meditating under a tree or in some cave in Himalayas. Nothing can be more removed from truth. Almost all rishis were married and lived a healthy family life. The best comparison of a rishi can be to the modern day university professor who lives in his university campus far removed from the din of the city and devotes himself to intellectual pursuits.
The Smriti of Yajnavalkya gives a list of twenty sages as lawgivers, Manu, Atri, Vishnu, Harita, Yajnavalkya, Usanas, Angiras, Yama, Apastamba, Samvarta, Katyayana, Brihaspati, Parasara, Vyasa, Sankha, Likhita, Daksha, Gautama, Satatapa and Vashishtha, these are the propounders of the Dharmashastras. The Baudhayana and others are not excluded. Little is known about the authors and it is impossible to ascertain when they lived.12 It is likely that the names of authors represent schools rather than individuals. Formation of new smritis as well as making necessary modifications in the Smritis was carried out for centuries in the name of the founder of the school or in the name of the most illustrious member of the school.
Laws in ancient India were codified in Smritis. It is interesting to look at Maynes view in regard to Hindu law According to Hindu conception, law in the modern sense was only a branch of Dharma, a word of the widest import and not easily rendered into English. Dharma includes religious, moral, social and legal duties and can only be defined by its contents. The Mitakshara mentions the six divisions of Dharma in general with which the Smritis deal; and the divisions relate to the duties of the varna, the duties of orders of ASRAMAS, the duties of orders of particular varna or character, the special duties of kings and others, the secondary duties which are enjoined for transgression of prescribed duties; and the common duties of all men.
[Mitakshara on Yajn. I, 1(Setlurs Edn., p4); Varnadharma, asramadharma, varnasramadharma, gunadharma, nimittadharma and sadharanadharma. ]13 (emphasis added by author) The interesting feature that is central to our discussion is that the Smritis inter alia provided for the duties of Kings. This obviously implies that any king was governed by the Smritis that were drafted not by himself or by his predecessors but by bodies of intellectuals.
A king was prohibited from becoming a law-maker or even interpreting the law. However after the 10th century, when the invasion of Islam led to a destruction of the famous Universities of India, some kings, as an attempt to safeguard knowledge, either took upon themselves or encouraged their ministers to take up the task of writing Commentaries and Digests of the Smritis.
The key points that emerge from the above account are as follows:
As late as 15th century, no Hindu King or his minister(s) in India would dare to make any laws.
There is no commentary or Digest that is dated before 1000 AD. Apparently when the schools were still functioning and acting as constant reference points for interpretation of the Law, it was not felt necessary to write a commentary.
During the period that is classified as ancient in Indian history i.e. upto 1000AD Kings and their ministers had neither the power to make any Laws nor the power to interpret Laws.
Surprisingly this tradition continued into the Islamic period. Islamic rulers were apparently happy to let things continue smoothly as they were going, although they destroyed the schools of learning in the name of religion. To once again quote from Maynes Even after the establishment of the Mohammadan rule in the country, the Smriti law continued to be fully recognized and enforced. The sharia law was mixed in the Hindu law much later and the Varna System transformed into muslimcaste system in India.
Two instances will serve. In the 16th century, Dalapati wrote an encyclopaedic work on Dharmasastra called the Nrisimha-prasada. He was a minister of the Nizamshah Dynasty of Ahmednagar which ruled at Devagiri (Dowlatabad) and wrote his work, no doubt, under the auspices of the Mohammadan ruler, who is extolled in several stanzas. Todarmalla, the famous finance minister of the Moghul Emperor Akbar, compiled a very comprehensive work on civil and religious law known as Todarananda.
JUDICIARY IN ANCIENT INDIAFrom the above account of the judicial system in ancient India, the following points may be noted:
King was supposed to be a fountain of justice in a figurative manner. The actual dispensation of justice was done by a complex system consisting of a hierarchy of peoples tribunals and the Royal Court headed by the Chief Judge.
People at large participated in the dispensation of justice through Kula, Puga and Sreni.
There was more than an arms length distance between the persons exercising the legislative function (the universities as discussed below) and the judicial system.
Kings will had no role to play in the dispensation of justice and it was neither possible for him to show any favours or disfavours in matters involving justice. We have seen earlier that Kings will had no role in the legislative function also
ROLE OF KINGS IN ANCIENT INDIAFrom the above discussion as well as from other historical data, the following observations can be made about the role of Kings in ancient India.
A King was supposed to be responsible for execution of the legislative will and administration in his kingdom.
A King had no direct or indirect legislative powers.
A King was supposed to be the fountain of justice but he had no direct role in the judicial process where an elaborate system of judiciary consisting of royal courts and peoples tribunals was operational.
In ancient India, a King and his ministers could not even act as interpreters of law. However this changed in medieval times when Kings started patronizing the writing of commentaries and digests.
King was responsible for defence of his kingdom from external aggression. Providing of public services like education, healthcare etc. was not a duty of Kings employees but was done by persons who considered it their vocation or calling. Payment of charges for these services was a cess on agricultural and other produce directly from the farmers & producers to the service-providers. The rate of this cess was not decided by the King but was decided by the Smritis.
Rate of taxes (payable to King) was also not decided by the King but was fixed by Smritis. The royal machinery was responsible for collection of taxes. A King was supposed to use the taxes in a manner provided by the Smritis but it is likely that the Smritis provided some freedom to the King in this.
The picture that emerges from the above observations is very different from the image of a King in Europe, where based on the theory of divine power of the King, Sovereignty of the Crown is supreme and A King is always right were the well-accepted rules. A ritual that was carried out at the time of coronation of any Hindu King (until very recently) illustrates the position of the King in ancient India. After the coronation, the crowned King declares that he is all powerful. As soon as he declares his acquired power, the Rajguru (the chief representative of the University) hits him with a Dand (a wooden rod) and tells him that Dharma and not he is the most powerful. The act of hitting him with a Dand is a symbolic punishment to remind him of his subordination to the Law as decided by the law makers. This is unimaginable in the coronation of a European King
ANCIENT SYSTEM & THE PRESENT PARADIGMThe system prevalent in ancient India may well be classified as a Limited Monarchy but it is obviously inappropriate to classify the system as Monarchy, since it lacked all the essential characteristics of a monarchy. On the other hand, it may be appropriate to classify the system as Republic since it had the following characteristics of a Republic:
Sovereign power of the Crown was not supreme.
The Kings will was not final.
There existed a system of checks and balances to control the King, who retained a very limited freedom to act as per his own will.
An independent legislature
An independent judiciary
Clear distinction between the Legislature, Judiciary and Executive with more than an arms length distance between them.
Republic of India was not founded on 26th January, 1950 and the British did not unite India. India has been a republic since times immemorial and if the academic world has failed to see the country as a republic it is because of the weakness of the paradigm of present day political science.It is necessary to define a new paradigm of state different from republic as well as monarchy. GANTANTRA has been proposed as the new paradigm of state where law making and interpretation is influenced or controlled by independent institutions (and persons) of learning. Ancient India was a GANTANTRA in true sense of the word.
The system remained in active operation for more than 4000 years upto the invasion and conquest by West Asian invaders who destroyed the institutions of learning and therefore destroyed the foundations of the system. Surprisingly, even after the foundation had been destroyed, the system continued to have a strong influence upto the beginning of British rule. In 1878, Mayne wrote, The Kings and subordinate rulers of the country, whatever their profession, race or religion, found it politic to enforce the law of the Smritis 14 (emphasis added by author). There can be no stronger proof of the strength of the system that for centuries even Muslim Kings found it expedient to continue the traditions of the system
The system of GANTANTRA was a flexible system which allowed territorial expansion. Any King could accept to be a part of the GANTANTRA without giving up his status as a King. BHARATVARSH was the name given to that territory which accepted the authority of the GAN or the directions from the centres of learning. India as a country was not united by the British but by the common Law of Smritis since ancient times. The flexibility of the system allowed regional and community variations of laws while prescribing some common laws. This can be seen by co-existence of city based communities, villages as well as forest dwellers each following a different set of social practices.
By reducing the role of Kings, a system was created where the person on the throne made little or no difference to the common man. Life continued unaffected even though there was change at the top. Wars were small affairs that affected the royal families but did not adversely affect the common man. This was a great advantage since this led to the countrys resources being used for productive purposes.
GANTANTRA created the worlds first and possibly the largest common market of ancient world where goods, services and men could move freely. The prosperity that this would have led to can well be imagined. GANTANTRA in India created a system which needed minimum centralized bureaucratic intervention. The system was highly efficient in terms of collecting and utilization of revenue for public services since the services were not provided by State but instead there was a direct relationship between the provider and users of services. This led to a low rate of taxes which spurred growth and prosperity.
The system must have been immensely popular and would have led to all-round prosperity. There can be no other explanation for the comment by Mayne At this day it governs races of men, extending from Cashmere to Cape Comorin, who agree in nothing else except their submission to it.11 The prosperity that the system generated was responsible for attracting hordes of invaders initially from West Asia and later from Europe.
However, this strength of the system proved to be its biggest weakness:Peace has a tendency to make people complacent. Absence of major wars led the Kings to ignore defence and development of defence related technology. Moreover, the centralization at the level of laws did not produce a unified army. This led to a weak defense against external aggression. Moreover, there was also a case of paradigm-induced blindness. The common man took wars to be small games that were played by Kings and royals, which did not make any difference to his life. A war would generally lead to the person on the throne changing but would not mean any other change.This led the common man (and possibly the intellectual class) to erroneously presume that even if an external invader conquered, it will not matter much. He failed to realize that the external invader was unlike anyone from the system. The inability to even see a different paradigm meant that the country was ill prepared to face it. These factors combined together to cause the country to lose its independence.
Krishna  means one in the transport of joy or the attractive one or the annointed one.Krishna is shown as blue which is the colour of the sky.This means he is infinite like the sky.
Bhagwad Gita is an allegory about a war within humanbeing on a much higher consciousness level.Bhishma represents the ego.
Bhagwad Gita is an allegory about a war within humanbeing on a much higher consciousness level.Bhishma represents the ego.Draupadi represents the Kundalini.Kurukshetra is the zone between the left and right brain.The descent of krishna is within us.If you do kriya Yoga,you get to understand Lord Rama whose beauty can be experienced only in higher meditation.
Description of Avtar Rama.Valmiki’s Ramayana begins with these questions which are posed by the poet:”Is there anyone who merits to be called a perfectly virtuous man, anyone who fully understands the power of ethical comportment? Who is there that fully comprehends the value of selfless service, who always speaks the truth, and is firm in his resolutions? Who has such power and majesty, and has also mastered himself and subdued anger?…”To this, Narada answers: “Yes, there is one with all these noble qualities.He is a prince of the Ikshv dynasty. His name is Rama. He has full self-control, he is with glory, is resolute, and free from attachments. He is intelligent and wise, eloquent and illustrious, a powerful destroyer of foes. His shoulders are broad, his arms powerful, his chin is sturdy, and his neck graceful. His chest is broad, his collar strong, and he wields a mighty bow. With a handsome face and well-shaped forehead,long straight nose, he has a charming gait too. He has a soft fair complexion and big endearing eyes. He keeps his word, he cares for his people. He protects all that is good. He defends dharma. He is versed in Vedas and science, and in archery. His knowledge is deep, his memory sharp, and his wit is quick. He is revered and respected everywhere. He is pious, noble, and of keen mind. The righteous always seek him just as rivers long for the boundless sea. His knowledge is deep as the ocean. In sheer firmness he is like the stupendous Himalayas. When in anger,he may burst forth like cosmic fire (kalagni). Yet, he is patient as Mother Earth…”
In Bhavishyottar Purana, Lord Shiva tells Parvati how Valmiki got a boon from Hanuman to sing the glories of Lord Rama in vernacular language in the Kali Yuga. This prophecy of Lord Shiva materialised on the Shraavan Shukla Saptami, Vikrami Samvat 1554 when Valmiki reincarnated as Tulsidas.
“वाल्मीकिस्तुलसीदासः कलौ देवि भविष्यति |
रामचन्द्रकथामेतां भाषाबद्धां करिष्यति ||”-Bhavishyottar Purana, Pratisarga Parva, 4.20
Nabhadas, a contemporary of Tulsidas and a great devotee, also describes Tulsidas as incarnation of Valmiki in his work Bhaktmaal
God is one but can take forms.Father,Son,Holy Spirit or Shiva,Brahma,Vishnu or Tat,Sat,Aum.Shiva is the Father( Absolute ),Brahma is the divine consciousness(Christ consciousness,Krishna consciousness),Vishnu is the vibratory sound called Aum heard during meditation.The three together is called Trinity or Trimurti or the one Supreme.This means that God has three basic properties which is father,divine consciousness and sound of Aum.
Shiva is the name given to God in the last aspect of His threefold nature (Creator-Preserver-Destroyer).Shiva means infinite. Shiva, the Annihilator of maya or delusion, is symbolically represented in the scriptures as the Lord of Renunciates, the King of Yogis.Although Shiva is formless, in Hindu art He is always shown with the new moon in His hair, and wearing a garland of hooded snakes, ancient emblem of evil overcome and perfect wisdom. The “single” eye of omniscience is open on His forehead. Shiva also means a tiny atom and the universe.
The soul that attained moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and death is called Ganesha.Soul means light of divine consciousness.Ganesha has no form,shape and sizes.The Hindus symbolically draw Ganesha based on the constellation elephant in which he has maximum power.The Goddess means the power of God and is also formless.There are different levels of power or energy named after different goddess names.They are symbolically represented with many hand which shows super-imposition of illumined souls.The animals associated with the Goddess or power symbolically represents the constellation.
Law of Mausmriti was an oral tradition passed over millions of years back.The law was not rigid and Manu asked people to follow it only when the conscience of the majority allowed them to adhere to the law.The law was to be amended according to time and era.Manusmriti was distroyed during Islamic Invasion but later restored.I will provide link to the correct translation of Manu Smriti as many people have mis-translated it.The law of Manu can be understood through greek,chinese,Buddist and Puranic history and account .A king was prohibited from becoming a law-maker or even interpreting the law. However after the 10th century, when the invasion of Islam led to a destruction of the famous Universities of India, some kings, as an attempt to safeguard knowledge, either took upon themselves or encouraged their ministers to take up the task of writing Commentaries and Digests of the Smritis. “A commentary on the Code of Manu was written in the 11th century by Dhareshwava or King Bhoja or Dhara in Malwa. A little later, Vijnanesvara wrote his famous Mitakshara on the Smriti of Yajnavalkya under the auspices of King Vikramarka or Vikramaditya of Kalyan in Hyderabad. King Apararka of Konkan, wrote his commentary on the Yajnavalkya Smriti in the 12th century. Jimutavahana, the author of the Dayabhaga, which is as well-known as the Mitakshara, was, according to tradition, either a very influential minister or a great judge in the court of one of the Bengal Kings. Chandesvara, the author of the Vivada Ratnakara, was the Chief Minister of a King of Mithila in the 14th century. Madhavacharya, the great Prime Minister of the Vizianagar Kings, wrote his Parasara Madhaviyam in the same century. About the same time, Vivesvarabhatta wrote his Subodhini, a commentary on the Mitakshara and a treatise named Madana Parijata under the order of King Madanapala of Kastha in Northern India who was also responsible for the recovery of the commentary of Medhatithi on Manu. Lakshmi Devi, a Queen of Mithila, caused Mitramisra to compose his Vivadachandra just about the period. In the 15th century, Vachaspatimisra, who was himself a descendant of King Harasinha Deva of Mithila, wrote the Vivadachintamani under the auspices of King Bhairavendra, a ruler of Mithila. King Pratapa Rudra Deva of Orissa wrote the Sarasvati Vilasa. Nandapandita, the author of the Dattaka Mimamsa, wrote a commentary on the Vishnu Smriti, called the Vaijayanti under the auspices of an influential chief, Kesavanayaka alias Tammasansyaka. Nilakantha, the author of the Vyavyahara Mayukha, composed it under the orders of Bhagavanta Deva, a Bundella chieftain who ruled at Bhareha, near the Jumna. Mitramisra composed his Viramitrodaya by the command of Virasinha, the ruler of Orchcha and Datia.
Hindu Scripture
He who desires to augment his own flesh by eating the flesh of other creatures lives in misery in whatever species he may take his birth.  Mahabharat 115.47
Those high-souled persons who desire beauty, faultlessness of limbs, long life, understanding, mental and physical strength and memory should abstain fromacts of injury.  Mahabharat 18.115.8
The very name of cow is Aghnya ["not to be killed"], indicating that they should never be slaughtered.  Who, then could slay them? Surely, one who kills a cow or abull commits a heinous crime.  Mahabharat  Shantiparv 262.47
The purchaser of flesh performs Hinsa (violence) by his wealth; he who eats flesh does so by enjoying its taste; the killer does Hinsa by actually tying and killing the animal. Thus, there are three forms of killing: he who brings flesh or sends for it, he who cuts off the limbs of an animal, and he who purchases, sells or cooks flesh and eats it — all of these are to be considered meat-eaters.  Mahabharat  Anu 115.40
He who sees that the Lord of all is ever the same in all that is — immortal in the field of mortality — he sees the truth. And when a man sees that the God in himself is the same God in all that is, he hurts not himself by hurting others. Then he goes, indeed, to the highest path.  Bhagavad Geeta 13.27-28
Ahinsa is the highest Dharm. Ahinsa is the best Tapas.  Ahinsa is the greatest gift. Ahinsa is the highest self-control. Ahinsa is the highest sacrifice. Ahinsa is the highest power. Ahinsa is the highest friend.  Ahinsa is the highest truth. Ahinsa is the highest teaching.  Mahabharat 18.116.37-41
What is the good way? It is the path that reflects on how it may avoid killing any creature.  Tirukural 324
All that lives will press palms together in prayerful adoration of those who refuse to slaughter and savor meat.  Tirukural 260
What is virtuous conduct? It is never destroying life, for killing leads to every other sin.  Tirukural 312, 321
Goodness is never one with the minds of these two: one who wields a weapon and one who feasts on a creature’s flesh.  Tirukural 253
“You must not use your God-given body for killing God’s creatures, whether they are human, animal or whatever.” (Yajur Veda, 12.32)
“By not killing any living being, one becomes fit for salvation.” (Manusmriti, 6.60)
The Lord’s Mercy
According to the Vedic scriptures, one should offer all foods as a sacrifice to God: “…all that you do, all that you eat, all that you offer and give away, as well as all austerities that you may perform, should be done as an offering unto Me.” (Bhagavad-gita 9.27)
The Gita also clarifies exactly what should be offered: “If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.” (Bhagavad-gita. 9.26)
The Bhagavad-gita further declares that one who lovingly offers his food to God, according to scriptural guidelines, is freed from all sinful reactions and consequent rebirth in the material world: “The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sin because they eat food which is offered first in sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin. (Bhagavad-gita 3.13)
Remnants of such devotional offerings are called prasadam (literally, “The Lord’s Mercy”). In India, the largest temples, such as Shri Rangam in south India and Jagannath Mandir, the main temple in Puri, all freely distribute sanctified vegetarian foods (prasadam) daily.
Vegetarianism and Nonviolence
In the Manusmriti, it is stated that one should refrain from eating all kinds of meat, for such eating involves killing and leads to karmic bondage (bandha).
Elsewhere in the Vedas, the last of the great Vedic Kings, Maharaja Pariksit, is quoted as saying that “only the animal killer cannot relish the message of the Absolute Truth.” Therefore, the Vedas inform us to obtain spiritual knowledge, one must begin with being vegetarian.
Dara Shikoh, son of Shah Jahan translated the Upanishads to Persian language, it was considered as blasphemy by the ulema! Aurangzeb used it as ruse to attack Delhi and kill his brother, in order to save his father, the Emperor Shah Jahan, from the demonic influences of Dara Shikoh. Today the fundamentalism of Islam has overshadowed every attempt at moderation and Sufism is a distant memory. Even the more moderate sect of Aga Khanis (Nizari Ismailis) have capitulated and are forced to follow the sharia laws, with the threat of being ex-communication looming over their heads.
 When British took consensus….There were four prominent categories and the British forcefully asked people to register as Hindu and Muslim
2.Nanak Hindus(Who followed Sanatan Sikhi-student of sanatan dharma)
3.Kabirpanthis(Hindu and Muslims both)
The Bhakti Movement-Revival of Grassroot Hinduism through Singer Saints
Mirabai (1450-1512) was the earliest of the singer saints. She was a Rajput princess who was entirely devoted to Krishna since her childhood. She continued with this devotion after her marriage. Her in-laws did not like this behavior and tried to kill her by poisoning her juice and sending a poisonous snake to her room. Because of her steadfast faith the poison had no effect on her and the snake turned to a garland of flowers. Mirabai associated with the common folk and involved them in her ecstatic dances for which she became famous. She has become a symbol of complete unity with Krishna
From the 11th century onwards till the British Rule India suffered a spate of Muslim invasions. During this period there was an intense effort to stamp out Hinduism. But a group of singer saints revitalized the religion through a two-fold path. The first was preservation of the Hindu traditions by taking them directly to the people. The other was a syncretizing of the Hindu and Islamic faiths.
Mohammad -A JEW AND LAST PROPHET OF JUDAISM.After much praying, day and night, Mohammed began to have dreams and visions. Gabriel appeared to him in a dream and told him that he was the messenger of truth. He told him that the message of Jesus, of Moses, and all the prophets would be lost and asked him to go and preach. Seeing the Christians preaching politics in the name of Jesus, seeing the Persians preaching dualism, Mohammed said: “Our God is one God. He is the Lord of all that exists. There is no comparison between Him and any other.”God is God. There is no philosophy, no complicated code of ethics. “Our God is one without a second, and Mohammed is the Prophet.” … Mohammed began to preach it in the streets of Mecca. … They began to persecute him, and he fled into the city of [Medina]. He began to fight, and the whole race became united. [Mohammedanism] deluged the world in the name of the Lord. The tremendous conquering power! . Mohammed did not call eastern religion the religions of non-believers.He borrowed the name Allah from Vedas.You … people have very hard ideas and are so superstitious and prejudiced! These messengers must have come from God, else how could they have been so great? You look at every defect. Each one of us has his defects. Who hasn’t? I can point out many defects in the Jews. The wicked are always looking for defects. … Flies come and seek for the [ulcer], and bees come only for the honey in the flower. Do not follow the way of the fly but that of the bee….In greed of wealth,Muslims used Kafir card to convert and plunder wealth in India.Mohammed would never have approved of it.Mohammed only converted non-believers which was applicable only for his empire.Indians were always believers.It was quite similar to christian using conversion card to plunder rich nation.Baptism is also done in Hinduism by the Guru when you reach desire-less state and Guru accepts you in the Swami order.Baptism is not done to children.Muslim means follower of Moses,the Jewish prophet.Mohammed also mentions that Allah has sent prophets to all parts of the world so Muslims cannot assume that everyone is Kafir or non-believers.
Sri Yukteswar Giri (also spelled Sriyukteswar Giri and Sriyukteshvar Giri) (May 10, 1855-March 9, 1936) is the monastic name of Priyanath Karar (also Preonath Karar), the guru of Paramahansa Yogananda. Sri Yukteswar was a Jyotisha (traditional astrologer), a yogi, and an exponent of the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible. He was a disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya of Varanasi and a member of the Giri branch of the swami order. Yogananda styled Sri Yukteswar Jnanavatar, or “Incarnation of Wisdom”.
Based on Manu Samhita,Kali yuga started in AD 500 and ended in AD1700.Kali Yuga or Iron age is only 1200 year duration in every cycle.His Yuga and timelines correction has been accepted by scientist world wide and has been verified using the Hindu scripture and historical evidence.In David Frawley’s opinion who agrees with Sri Yukteshwara, the cycle of Yugas is much like the four seasons. The planet gradually moves from one yuga to the next and from one cycle to the next, without any sudden jump from Kali into Satya Yuga. According to Frawley, historical evidence shows that Kali Yuga ended around 1700 CE, changing at that time to Dwapara Yuga. He also questions the traditional 432,000 year cycle which is false.
Sri Yukteswar Giri maintains that we are currently in Dwapara Yuga. According to him, the astronomers and astrologers who calculated the almanacs were guided by the false annotations of certain Sanskrit scholars such as Kullu Bhatta. As a result, [they] falsely maintained that the length of Kali Yuga is 432,000 years, of which 4994 would have elapsed as of 1894, leaving 427,006 years remaining.
Yukteswar tells us that the calendars of the higher ages were based on the Yugas, with each era named after its Yuga. As a result, the year 3000 BC or BCE was known as descending Dwapara one hundred two, because the last descending Dwapara yuga began one hundred two years earlier in 3102 BC or BCE. He stated that this method was used up until the recent Dark Ages, when knowledge of the connection with the yugas and the precession cycle was lost.
He stated, “The mistake crept into the almanacs for the first time during the reign of Raja Parikshit, just after the completion of the last descending Dwapara Yuga. At that time Maharaja Yudhisthira, noticing the appearance of the dark Kali Yuga, made over his throne to his grandson, the said Raja Parikshit. Maharaja Yudhisthira, together with all the wise men of his court, retired to the Himalaya Mountains.” He finished by stating, “there was no one who could understand the principle of correctly calculating the ages of the several Yugas.”
Consequently, when the Dwapara was over and the Kali era began no one knew enough to restart the calendar count. They knew they were in a Kali Yuga, which is why the old Hindu calendar now begins with K.Y. However, the beginning of this calendar, which in 2006 stands at 5108, can still be traced to 3102 BC or BCE, (3102+2006=5108), which was the start of the last descending Dwapara Yuga.
Sri Yukteswar wrote The Holy Science in 1894. In the introduction, he wrote:
“The purpose of this book is to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity in all religions; that there is no difference in the truths inculcated by the various faiths; that there is but one method by which the world, both external and internal, has evolved; and that there is but one Goal admitted by all scriptures.”
The work introduced many ideas that were revolutionary for the time — for instance Sri Yukteswar broke from Hindu tradition in stating that the earth is not in the age of Kali Yuga, but has advanced to Dwapara Yuga. His proof was based on a new perspective of the precession of the equinoxes. Sri Yukteshwar also introduced the idea that the sun takes a ‘star for its dual’, and revolves around it in a period of 24,000 years, which accounts for the precession of the equinox.Research into this theory is being conducted by the Binary Research Institute,which produced a documentary on the topic titled The Great Year, narrated by James Earl Jones. A sign of the ubiquity of Sri Yukteswar’s calculations in modern culture is that there is an iPhone Application for calculating them, just as there are calculators for currencies, lengths, areas and volumes.
The theory of the Sun’s binary companion expounded by Sri Yukteswar in The Holy Science has attracted the attention of David Frawley, who has written about it in several of his books. According to Frawley, the theory offers a better estimate of the age of Rama and Krishna and other important historical Indian figures than other dating methods, which estimate some of these figures to have lived millions of years ago — belying accepted human history.
Sanatan Sikhi(student of Sanatan dharma) and Khalistan
KHALISTAN:Khalistan is Shoonya/Void/State of shiva attained via meditation.What’s the point having “Deh Shiva bur mohi” as lead title song of Sikhism when Pakistan Govt became the Guru led by a Donkey called Bhinderwala.
I have mentioned in my channel description Shiva is Father( Absolute ) within and beyond vibratory creations.In meditation when we reach a stage where there is no vibration and absolute void….,This can be termed as Khalistan or state of Shiva.This is the time when Moksha is obtained. Tat means Shiva in sanskrit and khalsa means pure,one who burns in the inner fire of meditation.
Brahmasutra—-The only deliverance from the endless revolution from the wheel of Sansara was realized to lie in an escape to a region which,because there is no consciousness there,must necessarily be a barren and an empty land(Khali-stan).It is an escape and an attainment,but in the escape from the bondage of the self.One is emptied of all sense of realization.Atma(Soul) is Silence.Shankara on Brahmasutra 111.ii.17
Moksha/Salvation—Sects, ceremonies, and books, so far as they are the means of a man’s realising his own nature, are all right; when he has realised that, he gives up everything. “I reject the Vedas!” is the last word of the Vedanta philosophy. Ritual, hymns, and scriptures, through which he has travelled to freedom, vanish for him. “So’ham, So’ham”– i am He, I am He — bursts from his lips, and to say “Thou” to God is blasphemy, for he is “one with the Father”
Why is Sikhism the Vaishnava(Vishnu followers) sect?Page 199, Line 6 Infinitely invaluable is that Vaishnaav, that worshipper of Vishnu,
Page 274, Line 6 The true Vaishnaav, the devotee of Vishnu, is the one with whom God is thoroughly pleased.
Page 300, Line 12 They are intuitively wise, and they are Vaishnaavs, worshippers of Vishnu; they are spiritually wise, wealthy and prosperous.
Page 489, Line 8 From the lotus of Vishnu’s navel, Brahma was born; He chanted the Vedas with a melodious voice.
Page 559, Line 15 Vishnu is always busy reincarnating himself – who will save the world.
Page 691, Line 18 Vishnu the Lord of Lakshmi and Lakshmi herself – none of them know the Lord. ||3|
Raam has been praised in 252 times in different verses of Sri Gurugranth Sahib.Raam is a Vishnu avtar.Krishna also an Avtar of Vishnu has been praised 42 times in different verses.The Guru himself says that he was Raam and he was Krishna .

Esoteric meaning of Ramayana
Ramsetu bridge-Bridge between the naval and the heart.
Shiva means the universal soul.
That is the whole essence of The Bhagavat Gita. Be calm from the inside and act whenever required. You should stand up and fight if necessary; but don’t keep the fight inside yourself. Usually we fight inside and keep quiet on the outside. We should do the opposite. With meditation, it becomes easy to bring about this change. The power of satva and the power of meditation make it easy.
Ramanavami (Lord Rama’s Birth within our body). Ra means radiance, Ma means myself. Rama means ‘the light inside me’. Rama was born to Dasharath and Kousalya. Dasharath means ‘Ten Chariots’. The ten chariots symbolize  the five organs of perception (the five senses) and five organs of knowledge and action (For instance: reproduction, legs, hands and so on). Kousalya means ‘skill’. Ayodhya means ‘a society in which there is no violence’. If you skillfully observe what goes on inside the body, light dawns inside you. That is meditation. You need some skill to relax the tension. Then you  start expanding.
You know you are here now, yet you are not. With this realization, there is a certain lightness that comes spontaneously. Rama is when the inner light shines through. Sita the mind/intellect was robbed by the ego, Ravana. Ravana had ten heads. Ravana (ego) was one who wouldn’t listen to others. He was too much in the head. Hanuman means breath. With the help of Hanuman (the breath), Sita (the mind) was able to go back to Rama (the source).
Ramayana had an impact on Germany and many other countries in Europe and  Far East. Thousands of cities are named after Rama. Cities like Rambaugh in Germany, Rome in Italy have their roots in the word Ram. Indonesia, Bali and Japan were all influenced by Ramayana. Though Ramayana is history, it is also an eternal phenomenon happening all the time.


Once you realise the truth, religion leaves you, you are freed and civilised.
Religion will look like a a very very tiny figment of real truth but not fundamental like breath, hunger, health, sleep, survival, defecation, curiosity and realisation.
So advocating religion is a waste of time. Finding unity or disunity among religions is a waste of time.
There are more pressing issues like fighting for human rights, pollution, survival of all species from geo-behaviour of earth, risk of earth being hit by cosmic objects, solar system running in to a radiation belt in the next 500 years, etc...LOL!

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